
Thugs beat up 17-year-old in NRW: “Played football with his head”

Thugs beat up 17-year-old in NRW: “Played football with his head”

The incident occurred on Friday, September 13th. In the afternoon, a young man (17) who is mentally handicapped was attacked by three young people at a busy bus stop, as the “Bild” newspaper reports. The 17-year-old, who was coming from a workshop for the disabled and was waiting for the bus home, pulled out an airsoft gun to defend himself. However, this measure did not help him.

17-year-old suffered severe bruises on the back of the head

The attackers are said to have thrown the youth to the ground and kicked him. “I was thrown to the ground. Then I was kicked in the head. “I pretended to be unconscious to get out of the situation,” the 17-year-old describes the dramatic situation according to “Bild”.

He then called the emergency services himself. He suffered severe bruises on the back of his head during the attack and spent two days in hospital for observation. The young man was subsequently given sick leave.

“I played football with his head”

A suspected accomplice filmed the brutal attacks and later shared the video on Instagram. According to Bild, the thug mocked his victim with edited images and derogatory comments. “The boy pointed an airsoft gun at us, and that's why I played football with his head.”

The police have identified two young suspects aged 16 and 17 from Celle. They are being investigated for grievous bodily harm. “There were passers-by who saw it. I don't understand why no one helped or called the police,” asks the 17-year-old's stepmother.

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