
Drama surrounding “Breakfast TV” star Boschmann: “We need a doctor”

Drama surrounding “Breakfast TV” star Boschmann: “We need a doctor”

These are scenes you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. Via Instagram, “Breakfast TV” presenter Daniel Boschmann reports on an incident that took place in the Berlin celebrity restaurant “Borchardt”.

“The guy would have suffocated quickly,” said Boschmann about the scenes in the restaurant. “Breakfast TV” presenter Boschmann continued: “Friday evening, the restaurant is packed, every table is taken. It's really loud, people are queuing outside, wanting to get in. Suddenly a guy stands up in the middle of the restaurant and can't breathe anymore, and slowly turns white, and his eyes open wide.”

Concern for “Breakfast TV” star Daniel Boschmann

“Then someone shouts: We need a doctor.” Silence in the restaurant. “You can't hear anything anymore,” Boschmann continues. Everyone was glued to their tables, then a waiter came and used the Heimlich maneuver. But nothing helps. Only when “the guy” coughs does he suddenly get his breath back. Explosive: The guy Boschmann is talking about here was himself.

++ On the trail of the Sat.1 “Breakfast Television” secret: “We love anarchy” ++

And so Boschmann used the frightening incident to draw attention to a first aid course. After the experience in Borchardt, he too wanted to do one again. An announcement that was well received. “Luckily you are fine!” And thank you for this reminder,” wrote the Malteser Germany on Instagram, for example.

The Johanniter wrote: “Fortunately, everything turned out well!” Thank you for this important reminder.” And the German Red Cross added: “Fortunately, you are fine!” You have already mentioned it, and we have conducted a survey on the subject: many people have often taken their first aid course more than ten years ago! If you would like to find out more, you can find first aid tips and links to course bookings at”

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