
Man on the run after stabbing in Marrickville, Sydney, outside Guzman y Gomez – as heartbreaking act of his desperate brother comes to light

Man on the run after stabbing in Marrickville, Sydney, outside Guzman y Gomez – as heartbreaking act of his desperate brother comes to light

A murderer is still on the run after a stabbing outside a busy Mexican restaurant in Sydney – police are calling it a “targeted” attack.

A 32-year-old man was stabbed to death outside the Guzman y Gomez store in Marrickville, in Sydney's inner west, at about 7.40pm on Monday after eating dinner with his family.

Police and desperate family members rushed to the scene of the accident, where first aid was administered, but the man could not be saved.

Witnesses heard the “heart-wrenching” screams of the man’s mother as his brother rushed to lift the sheet covering the body.

Police detained the desperate man, who screamed: “He's my fucking brother, don't touch me.”

The brother was detained by police and a taser was drawn but not used.

“He was so emotional, but there was no reason for such aggressiveness,” said a witness.

The victim was known to police, but his attacker is still on the run. It is believed that the two men met in the restaurant before the 32-year-old was stabbed.

A man was fatally stabbed outside Guzman Y Gomez in Marrickville in Sydney's inner west

The dead man's brother was detained by police as he tried to lift the sheet from the body

The dead man's brother was detained by police as he tried to lift the sheet from the body

The desperate man was heard screaming: “He is my brother”

The desperate man was heard screaming: “He is my brother”

Guzman y Gomez was initially cordoned off and a crime scene prepared for major crimes, but on Tuesday the store reopened and business continued as usual.

Superintendent Ben Kennis said police believe “the two individuals met and the attack was targeted.”

“It was not a coincidence,” he said. “It's too early to say if they had arranged it … it was clear that they knew each other.”

He said it was an “extremely emotional crime scene.”

“A man entered the crime scene and had to be detained by police.”

The cries of other distraught relatives could be heard as police searched the crime scene with flashlights for evidence and questioned nearby shopkeepers.

The relatives of the deceased were taken away by the police before the crime scene was cordoned off.

Superintendent Kennis did not comment on the man's injuries, but said they were inflicted with a “sharp object.”

“I don't know if it was a knife… Given the injuries, I know it was a sharp object,” he said.

On Tuesday morning, police were deployed in front of the Guzman y Gomez

On Tuesday morning, police were deployed in front of the Guzman y Gomez

Superintendent Kennis described the incident as “confronting” but said Marrickville residents could “rest assured” that the attack was targeted

Superintendent Kennis described the incident as “confronting” but said Marrickville residents could “rest assured” that the attack was targeted

The police identified a crime scene and closed several streets in the inner-city suburb

The police identified a crime scene and closed several streets in the inner-city suburb

“I cannot say for sure which weapon was used. A large crime scene is currently still being investigated.”

Superintendent Kennis asked for the public's help in identifying the unknown attacker, who was last seen running down Silver Street in Marrickville.

“I urge anyone with dashboard camera, CCTV or mobile phone footage to please come forward to police or call Crime Stoppers… or contact detectives at Marrickville Police Station,” Superintendent Kennis said.

“The witness statements and video surveillance footage we have collected show an individual who we believe may assist us in our investigation.”

Superintendent Kennis described the incident as “confronting” but said Marrickville residents could “rest assured” that the attack was targeted.

“This is 7.40pm, peak dining time on Marrickville Road, lots of restaurants, lots of shops… for something like this to happen on Marrickville Road or anywhere else is unacceptable,” he said.

“The community can be assured that, as I have said, these two individuals met and this was a targeted meeting. It was not a random attack on Marrickville Road.”

A witness named Karen, who was shopping at the nearby Woolworths, said she saw paramedics and police trying to resuscitate the man, but after five minutes he “passed away”.

Police search garbage can at crime scene

Police search garbage can at crime scene

A witness named Karen (pictured) said she was shocked by the violence as Australia is considered a

A witness named Karen (pictured) said she was shocked by the violence as Australia is considered a “safe country”.

“It makes me so sad because I come from overseas and I know this country is so safe,” Karen said.

“Honestly, I didn't expect something like this to happen in this country. It makes me sad, and I'm sad for the guy.”

Locals expressed their dismay at the gruesome crime in their neighborhood.

“Blood everywhere,” wrote one.

“I saw police cars coming from everywhere,” said another.

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