
Rural CF man sentenced to 15 years in prison for repeated sexual abuse of children

Rural CF man sentenced to 15 years in prison for repeated sexual abuse of children

CHIPPEWA FALLS – A rural Chippewa Falls man accused of repeatedly sexually abusing a teenage girl over a three-year period was sentenced Monday to 15 years in prison.

Josiah Dehusson, 40, pleaded no contest in Chippewa County Court in June to one count of repeated sexual abuse of a child. According to the criminal complaint, the sexual assaults began in February 2020, when the girl was 14 years old. Charges were set for September 2023.

Judge James Isaacson said Dehusson deserved a long prison sentence. He also ordered 15 years' probation and required Dehusson to register as a sex offender.

“In my opinion, this is a pretty serious offense,” Isaacson said.

Isaacson pointed out that the maximum sentence is 25 years in prison and 15 years of extended probation. A pre-sentencing investigation by the Department of Corrections recommended 10 years in prison and three years of extended probation. However, Chippewa County District Attorney Wade Newell told Isaacson that he was seeking 20 years in prison and five years of extended probation.

“He's hyper-honest about what he did and why he did it,” Newell said. “It gives us insight into his thought process.”

Newell pointed out that he had previously been accused of sexual exploitation, although he had not been convicted. Newell listed the various sexual acts that occurred in this case.

“He said he hated what he did to her,” Newell said. However, Newell said Dehusson did not consider the emotional damage he caused the victim.

“I think the original recommendation of 10 years in prison pales in comparison to what she went through,” Newell said. “The community needs to be protected from the defendant for as long as possible.”

Defense attorney Les Liptak asked for leniency for his client, noting that Dehusson had confessed rather than put the teen on trial. He asked for a prison sentence of five or six years with a longer suspended sentence of 10 years.

“Josiah is well aware that he has caused harm,” Liptak told Isaacson. “He is remorseful, and I think that is evident in the PSI. There is no doubt that he will ever be able to make amends for what he did. I think that will haunt him for the rest of his life, just as it may well haunt (the victim).”

Dehusson said his actions would hurt the victim and his family. He said if he had the chance, he would take it back.

“I'm sorry for what I did. I hate myself for what I did,” Dehusson told Isaacson. “And I'm willing to accept any treatment that's required.”

Neither the victim nor her family were present at the hearing.

Dehusson was given credit for 392 days she had already served. During the extended probation, Dehusson is prohibited from having contact with the victim or her mother.

According to the criminal complaint, on August 28, 2023, an investigator met with the victim's mother. She said her daughter told her that Dehusson had engaged in sexual acts with her at a residence in the city of Lafayette. The sexual acts occurred weekly or monthly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. When an officer questioned the teenager, she initially denied that the sexual acts had occurred. She later admitted that the acts had occurred. When an officer questioned Dehusson, he initially denied any wrongdoing but later admitted that he had engaged in sexual acts with the victim.

Judge Ben Lane had previously ordered Dehusson held on $7,500 cash bail.

According to court records, Dehusson was previously convicted of assault in Chippewa County Court in 2003.

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