
Driver lets fawn die on the side of the road – sign found!

Driver lets fawn die on the side of the road – sign found!

A man collides with a fawn in the canton of St. Gallen, but simply drives on. The animal dies a painful death – and the man must now pay a fine.

The most important things in brief

  • A car driver hit a fawn in the canton of St. Gallen.
  • The deer died painfully on the side of the road because the man simply drove on.
  • The driver has now been convicted of hit-and-run and negligent cruelty to animals.


After an accident involving a fawn, a driver in the canton of St. Gallen left the animal to die painfully on the side of the road. He simply drove on without stopping. The fawn had no chance and succumbed to its injuries.

The man has now been sentenced by a penal order. He must pay a fine of 2,750 francs if he commits any further offenses in the next two years. In addition, there will be a fine of 1,650 francs and fees, reports “20 Minuten”. However, the penal order is not yet legally binding.

Driver loses sign – and reports himself to the police

The police had tracked down the man, who comes from North Macedonia, through a fortunate circumstance.

He had lost his license plate – and therefore later reported himself to the authorities.

He said he did hear a noise when he was with the deer, but he thought he was just driving over wood.

He was convicted because he left the scene of the accident in violation of his duty. He was also found guilty of negligent cruelty to animals.

If he had reported the accident immediately, the fawn might have been saved. Or at least it would not have had to suffer for so long and would have been put down.



More on the topic:

Animal crueltyFrancsPenaltyDeer

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