
Nothing happens by chance: Israel’s mass terror plans

Nothing happens by chance: Israel’s mass terror plans

Israel has the highest research and development intensity. Gross domestic expenditure on research and development is over 4% of gross domestic product (GDP). The OECD average is 2.3%! By comparison, Israel, with a population of 10 million, spends more of its income on developing new technologies than the USA, Japan, Germany… and the oil-rich countries Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Now stop wondering how Israel's intelligence agencies Mossad (Central Institute of Intelligence and Special Operations), Aman (military) and Shin Bet (internal security) were able to pull the triggers and push the buttons on thousands of beepers and walkie-talkies in a foreign country. I don't want to spread dire news here, but as the world's fifth-largest arms exporter, Israel could push any button on any remote-controlled device if it contained an Israeli explosive! The cheap Chinese-made batteries filled with flammable electrolytes, like lithium-ion batteries, don't even need Mossad's help to explode or catch fire in any device. But thanks to all the money the Israel lobby and the politicians and bureaucrats they brought into the US government are pumping into the Jewish state's coffers, Israel can and does make major investments in research and development.

Israel has used this tactic before: in 1996, Shin Bet agents managed to implant explosives in the phone of Yahya Ayyash, a Hamas Al Kassam Brigades bomb, and detonate it remotely. It was a targeted assassination that killed a person known to the Shin Bet. But this time, the Jewish state targeted people it did not know. Israel's Security Cabinet and Jonah Jacob Goldberg, the founding editor of National Review Online, argue that there is no need to worry about owning pagers, cell phones, laptops and similar devices unless you are a terrorist. Even if you agree with the definition of a terrorist, these devices are not used in isolation: you can simply leave them on a desk around which many others, including children of the person the Israelis consider a terrorist, may be present.

But for everyone in Israel's security cabinet and the politicians who are keeping Netanyahu out of jail by supporting his coalition government, anyone who opposes the occupation of his country (Palestine) by Zionist Jews is a terrorist. The White House says that Netanyahu killing 2.4 innocent civilians for one person he calls a terrorist is “normal.” According to Hamas, Israel has killed 41,100 people in Gaza so far; and Israel says 17,000 of them were Hamas members. According to U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, “Hamas embeds its militants near civilians, such as in schools and homes, and those individuals become legitimate targets!” His department later said Miller had misspoken and meant “Hamas” and not “civilians.” Does Hamas embed its militants near its militants? Well… As we say in Turkey, you can't smooth over nonsense. The US government, its administrators, bureaucrats and elected politicians have become putty in the hands of the Israel lobby! The longer the US allows this process to continue, the more they will be discredited.

In its attempt to distance itself from Israel and its atrocities, the government in Washington has put itself in a strange position. On the one hand, the US says it wants to prevent an escalation of tensions, but on the other hand it is approving $20 billion worth of arms sales to Israel, including numerous fighter jets and state-of-the-art air-to-air missiles.

That American support for Israel since the October 7 attack has been condemned and has had no effect whatsoever by the country's people, the United Nations, and its allies and friends around the world is the clearest indication that they know everything that Israel is doing and would do. It is simply a disgrace for America. Even the United States' biggest accomplice in its support of the Jewish state, the United Kingdom, has stopped supplying some weapons to Israel that violate international law. But not the United States; “the” lobby has also placed people in the executive branch who share its views. U.S. government officials travel to Israel more often than to any other country. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a pro-Israel lobby group that represents its policies to the U.S. legislative and executive branches, shamelessly boasts that its staff “helps” congressional staff write speeches for their bosses to give at political rallies!

Despite their small population share (2.4%), American Jews are the largest donors to both parties. Pro-Israel groups donated 58 times more to their politicians than Arab-American and Muslim political action committees.

There is no such thing as coincidence or accident in international relations! We know that the US is aware of everything that Netanyahu, the secret charmer, knows. Netanyahu knew that setting off 2,000 pagers and 900 walkie-talkies would kill innocent civilians. Using force and intimidating civilians is pure terrorism; and even US presidents are not immune from the consequences of violating international law. Perhaps the international community is not strong-willed enough to enforce its sanctions against terrorism; but that does not mean that it will continue to do so.

Convicted war criminals Slobodan Milosevic and Ratko Mladic also believed they would get away with hundreds of crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes they committed during the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s. But they rotted in prison. Netanyahu and his cabal in Israel and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the pro-Israel lobby group that represents their policies to the US legislative and executive branches, now seem to believe that no one, no country, no international organization can stop them in their plans for mass terror (which is apparently proving to be true!).

Last week's “sabotage” of mobile devices was an act of terrorism. Its victims were not just Hezbollah fighters, but the general public in Lebanon and elsewhere. Everyone in every country that condemns Israel is now afraid that Israel and co-conspirators in the West might carry out the same or other plans for mass terror. Terrorist attacks may kill people, but worse, they instill fear in the general public. The Jewish state and its supporters cannot escape the fate of many others convicted at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.

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