
Perpetrators only 15 and 14 : Brutal attack in front of Carinthian school: Student injured

Perpetrators only 15 and 14 : Brutal attack in front of Carinthian school: Student injured

A 16-year-old student from Villach reported on Sunday that he had been threatened for some time by a 15-year-old student, also from Villach. He told police officers that a few days earlier, on Thursday, he had been beaten up by two boys after school. The suspects are the 15-year-old and a 14-year-old from the Feldkirchen district. The two young people had ambushed their victim in front of his school in Villach.

The 16-year-old suffered injuries to his head during the attack. “Once the investigation is complete, the accused will be reported to the Klagenfurt public prosecutor's office,” police said on Sunday.

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