
Rayner mocks Badenoch for doing “side business with Daleks” during his dispute with David Tennant

Rayner mocks Badenoch for doing “side business with Daleks” during his dispute with David Tennant

Angela Rayner joked that Kemi Badenoch was making “side deals with the Daleks” and poked fun at the Conservative leadership contender’s dispute with Doctor Who star David Tennant.

Deputy Prime Minister Rayner said next week's Conservative Party conference would feature “ten-minute auditions for wannabe politicians to outdo each other in various shades of blue” following their general election defeat.

Ms Rayner said that “nobody is paying attention to the Tories”, then asked if this was why Ms Badenoch, the shadow minister for housing, used the launch of her campaign for the party leadership to say she was someone “who is not afraid of Doctor Who”.

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner speaking at the Labour conference (Peter Byrne/PA)

In June, former Doctor Who actor David Tennant used his acceptance speech at the British LGBT Awards to say of the then-Equalities Minister: “Until we wake up and realise that Kemi Badenoch no longer exists – I wish her no harm, I just wish her to shut up – as long as we live in this world, I am honoured to receive this award.”

Ms Badenoch, who has come under criticism for her approach to trans rights, responded that she would “never shut up” about the “divisive diversity policy agenda”.

Labour politician Rayner said at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool on Sunday: “The Tories have failed Britain and tried to cover it up.”

“A crater in the heart of the British economy. A hole in the pocket of every working family. And a £22 billion black hole.”

“And there was not even an apology from the Tories, let alone an admission.

“Instead, next week they will gather in the ruins of their defeat. Reduced to 10-minute auditions for wannabe leaders, where they outdo each other in various shades of blue. On a show no one watches.

“Perhaps that's why Kemi started her election campaign with an attack on Doctor Who.”

Referring to Doctor Who's enemy, Ms Rayner said: “It was bad enough when they tried to take on (UK Reform Party leader Nigel) Farage – and now she's making side deals with the Daleks.”

Kemi Badenoch
Kemi Badenoch wants to be the next Tory leader (James Manning/PA)

“After three months as shadow housing minister, she has at least finally expressed her concerns about a tenant. It's just a shame it was David Tennant.

“It's easy to forget that there were five candidates for the party leadership. Not exactly the famous five.”

“They left it to us to clean up their mess, and I'm not just talking about the wallpaper in Number 10.

“The Tories have presented us with difficult choices. And even more difficult choices lie ahead for families across the UK who are struggling to make ends meet.”

Pat McFadden, Chancellor of the Exchequer of the Duchy of Lancaster, said the Labour Party had the “ambition to lead the country through this world of change and the enormous opportunities it brings”.

David Tennant
David Tennant recently returned to Doctor Who (Ben Birchall/PA)

He said: “That is the difference between another five years in opposition.

“Five years of nothing but clicks and likes and complaining about the government’s actions, and five years in power.

“Five years in which we do something and not just talk.

“And when we look at the Tory leadership election today, where is their desire for change? Where is their humility to learn from their defeat? There are many candidates, but not a single one who seeks change.

“We must never again allow the Tories to drag our country down or hold our people back.

“Frankly, what the Tories have left us, in terms of the damage they have done to our country, it is not something to be sad about – it is serious business and it is time we got serious about governance and the future of the country.”

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