
Support for Labor hits lowest level since election: Australians reveal cost of living concerns

Support for Labor hits lowest level since election: Australians reveal cost of living concerns

According to the latest poll, voter support for the federal Labor Party has fallen to its lowest level since the election of Anthony Albanese in 2022, as housing costs remain the biggest concern for households across the country.

The new poll shows that Labour's primary vote fell to just 31 per cent – its lowest since the election. The government has also lost support in recent months as cost-of-living pressures continue to mount.

Figures published in The Australian magazine show that the race is still neck and neck for the next election, which will be held in May next year, with both parties tied at 50 per cent of two-party preferences, the third poll in a row showing a tie.

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The coalition remained stable at 38 percent of the first votes. Support for the Greens rose by one percentage point to 13 percent.

Despite Labor's dwindling support, Albanese remains the preferred prime minister, gaining one percentage point and now has 46 percent, ahead of opposition leader Peter Dutton (37 percent).

Satisfaction with the Prime Minister also rose to 43 percent, while more than half of voters remained dissatisfied with his performance (51 percent).

His net approval rating rose by five points to minus eight.

Mr Dutton's net satisfaction fell by two percentage points to minus 15.

In separate questions, voters were asked about the cost of living that caused them the most concern. 40 percent of voters put housing as their top concern.

The 18- to 34-year-olds feel the greatest cost pressure: almost three-fifths of those surveyed named it as their greatest concern, while more than half of the 35- to 50-year-olds named it as their greatest cost pressure.

A quarter of Australians cited food costs as their biggest cost concern. Labor is locked in a political battle with the Coalition and the Greens over its housing programs, with negotiations over the Help to Buy and Build to Rent programs stalling in the Senate last week.

The government has tried to brand the two parties as “noalition” because of their stance.

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