
ethecon Awards 2024 – It’s about our Blue Planet!

ethecon Awards 2024 – It’s about our Blue Planet!

After a two-year break, the ethecon Foundation for Ethics & Economics is once again awarding the two prestigious International ethecon Awards. Traditionally, today International Day of Peace ethecon announces the names of the award winners: The International ethecon Blue Planet Award 2024 honors the human rights and peace activist Julian Assange, the International ethecon Dead Planet Award, on behalf of the board members and major shareholders of AXEL SPRINGER SE, pillories the CEO Mathias Döpfner, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Ralph Büchi and the major shareholder Friede Springer. The ethecon awards ceremony will take place on November 9, 2024 in Düsseldorf.

Since 2006, the ethecon Ethics & Economics Foundation based in Berlin has awarded two international prizes every year: The International ethecon Blue Planet Award honors outstanding efforts to preserve and save the “Blue Planet.” The International ethecon Dead Planet Award honors people who bear shocking responsibility for the ruin and destruction of the Earth and thus conjure up the danger of a dead, uninhabitable planet.

In the past two years, no award ceremonies could take place due to the global Corona restrictions. Events that would have excluded unvaccinated people were not allowed for ethecon, and virtual events were not an option for ethecon due to the associated social sterility and political infertility. In addition, the award winners would not have been able to receive their trophies in person due to national and international travel restrictions.

Axel Köhler-Schnura, ethecon founding donor: “It is currently becoming increasingly clear that and how the Corona measures from 2020 to 2023 followed profit interests and political corporate calculations. ethecon has pointed out such backgrounds from the beginning and warned of dangers to democracy and social progress.”

Today, on this year’s International Day of PeaceHowever, it is that time again. In keeping with the tradition since the awards ceremony began in 2006, the ethecon Foundation for Ethics & Economics is today announcing the names of the recipients of the current ethecon Prizes:

  • The International ethecon Blue Planet Award 2024 honors Julian Assange’s decades-long commitment to the fight for press freedom
  • The International ethecon Dead Planet Award 2024 publicly pillories Mathias Döpfner (Chairman of the Board of Management and major shareholder), Ralph Büchi (Chairman of the Supervisory Board) and Friede Springer (Co-Chairman of the Supervisory Board and major shareholder) of the media group AXEL SPRINGER SE (Germany).
  • Together, the two International ethecon Awards stand for peace, justice and environmental protection. This year, more than ever, in view of the escalating environmental disasters, the widespread social devastation and the misery that comes with it, the advancing political development towards reaction and fascism, and the increasing barbarism of war and the threat of world/nuclear war!

Julian Assange has been fighting for freedom of the press for decades and against the US state repression against him. He risked life imprisonment in the US by taking time off to speak out for the truth and against the lies of the warmongers. His revelations gave courage to other whistleblowers and brought the lies and crimes of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan to light. He played a crucial role in strengthening the peace movement by shedding light on the darkness of the US's war crimes around the world.

Mathias Döpfner, Ralph Büchi and Friede Springer are completely different. As board members, supervisory board members and shareholders of the publishing group AXEL SPRINGER SE, they bear responsibility for the consequences of decades of hatred and agitation. They are responsible for the increasing division of society through racism and hatred. They are jointly responsible for the dismantling of democratic rights by torpedoing and ignoring unscrupulous democratic bodies. In return, they exploit their employees excessively, who also have to suffer from sexism in the workplace time and again.

Marius Dornemann, Managing Director of ethecon, said: “Julian Assange upholds human morality and ethics without regard for himself and without any personal gain and fights against the destruction of the earth as a dead, uninhabitable planet.” For this, he more than deserves to be honored with the International ethecon Blue Planet Award 2024! The Chairman of the Board of Management Mathias Döpfner, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Ralph Büchi and the major shareholder Friede Springer of AXEL SPRINGER SE, on the other hand, are trampling on all morality and ethics, ruining democracy and social coexistence for their personal profits and power interests and are promoting the transformation of the earth into a dead planet with hatred, division and warmongering. For this, the insult of the International ethecon Dead Planet Award 2024 is more than overdue.”

The two international ethecon prizes will be awarded at a public ceremony in the castle church in Düsseldorfer-Eller.

Saturday, 09.11.2024

Eller Castle Church / Community Hall
Schlossallee 8
40229 Dusseldorf
Due to the limited number of places, registration is required

Start 3 p.m. (admission 2 p.m.)

Registration by email

Live stream on

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