
Impact Report 2024: Oikocredit improves the lives of 53 million people!

Impact Report 2024: Oikocredit improves the lives of 53 million people!

The development cooperative Oikocredit has published its Impact Report 2024, which documents the positive effects of social investments on the living conditions of economically disadvantaged people in Africa, Asia and Latin America. According to the report, Oikocredit partners have improved access to financial services for 53 million people, an increase from 42.2 million in the previous year. With a financing volume of 1,084.7 million euros, Oikocredit focuses on inclusive finance, sustainable agriculture and renewable energies. Jessica Bodmann, Managing Director of Oikocredit Germany, emphasizes that the main goal of investments for 50 years has been the sustainable improvement of social impact for disadvantaged people.

The 2024 Impact Report provides comprehensive performance data placed in the context of the UN Development Goals. Key data includes: 53 million customers reached, an inclusive finance portfolio of €833.4 million, the financing of around 4.29 million micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and the creation or maintenance of 12.7 million jobs by MSME partners. In addition, 89% of partners in the agricultural sector provide environmental awareness training and the renewable energy portfolio has offset 422,564 tonnes of CO2 emissions. 170,000 households have gained access to clean energy.

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