
Hospital drama at TV total diving – ProSieben intervenes

Hospital drama at TV total diving – ProSieben intervenes

The unexpected often happens! On Saturday evening (September 21st) there was a tragic moment during the “TV total Turmspringen” on ProSieben. The station had to immediately change its plans and the audience was very surprised. Was there a war?

Injury during “TV total diving”

This was probably not what was expected of “TV total diving”. On Saturday evening, reality TV star Diogo Sangre is the third to take part. He wants to demonstrate a jump from the 7.5 meter board in the individual competition. Before he goes up, the viewers will see a clip.

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This shows the preparations for the big evening and shows how hard the 29-year-old has trained for his performance. Afterwards he was supposed to be on the tower with Viviane Geppert – but things turned out differently that evening. Diogo is sitting on the participant couch with Steven Gätjen and cannot compete due to an injury!

“TV total diving”: Training ends in hospital

Instead, “Prince Charming” star Kim Tränka is standing on the 7.5-meter-long board with the presenter. After he had performed a clean jump, the viewers found out why Diogo Sangre was unable to compete. “I hit the water with my ear and my eardrum burst,” explains the 29-year-old.

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How bitter is that? But the reality star still kept his fingers crossed for his replacement live and on site and believed in him. “Thank you for being here anyway and for coming all the way from the hospital,” Steven Gätjen concluded.

We have compiled more news for you here today:

Missed the show? After the TV broadcast of “TV Total Turmspringen” you can watch the episode in the Joyn media library.

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