
Show with Luke Mockridge canceled for “image reasons”

Show with Luke Mockridge canceled for “image reasons”

Cologne – Oliver Pocher (46) and Luke Mockridge (35) are among the most famous comedians in Germany and are said to be good friends in private. But how does Oli deal with the latest scandal his buddies?

Two scandalous comedians among themselves: Luke Mockridge (35, right) and Oliver Pocher (46) are said to be good friends in private. © Henning Kaiser/dpa

After Luke caused nationwide horror with jokes about Paralympic athletes, the headlines quickly rolled over: In addition to his show on SAT.1, various live appearances by the Bonn native were also canceled – including one with his friend Oli Pocher.

Actually, the two comedy heavyweights wanted to tour the arenas of the republic under the motto “Year in Review of the Year”, as they have done in previous years.

“The fun fact about the story is that Luke and I actually planned to do a joint review of the year,” Oli told his ex-wife Sandy Meyer-Wölden (41) in his podcast “Die Pochers! Frisch recycled”. The reason for the cancellation was “image reasons,” Pocher explains.

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Has the electionCologne Did he really cancel his performances because of his friends' new scandal, even though he had always remained loyal to Luke?

Last week, Luke Mockridge (35) was back on stage in Vienna for the first time since his expressions of taste.

Last week, Luke Mockridge (35) was back on stage in Vienna for the first time since his expressions of taste. © Michael Baumgartner/Kito/dpa

Of course not, Oli reveals: It wasn't him who cancelled the joint tour, but Luke, he says: “Luke meant my image, not his. In retrospect, that has a certain irony,” says the 46-year-old.

Regarding his buddy's tasteless comments, the father of five also said that there was simply “a lot wrong” with the timing.

Especially since Luke's public apology made everything worse.

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Oliver Pocher
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“I told Luke that I wouldn't apologize,” Pocher reports. He is convinced that an apology “doesn't count for anything these days anyway. If you apologize, it will be even more of a backseat,” says Oli.

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