
5 signs you need to replace your pillow, plus the 3 best deals for your weekend shopping

5 signs you need to replace your pillow, plus the 3 best deals for your weekend shopping

Resting your head on a soft pillow at night is more than just comfortable. It's the key to good sleep and proper spinal alignment. Yet pillows are often overlooked when it comes to sleep hygiene and overall health.

Even if you're sleeping on one of this year's best mattresses for all sleepers, your sleep experience can be compromised if you don't have the perfect pillow fit or haven't changed your pillows in a while.

We often forget to replace pillows and just focus on changing the covers and bedding. Here we'll explore why that's a problem and share the top signs that your pillows need replacing. We'll also look at the best pillow deals to buy this weekend so you can start refreshing your bedroom early.

Why do you need to replace your pillow?

Have you ever noticed yellow stains on your pillows and were unsure whether to use them? Your doubts were justified. After all, our face will be in direct contact with the fabric for several hours every night and it will inevitably get a little dirty.

Over time, the surface of your pillow absorbs dirt, sweat, oils and dead skin cells. If you continue to sleep on these fabrics, your skin will be damaged, which can lead to acne and rashes. Pillows can also collect dust mites or pet hair, which can trigger allergies or aggravate the condition of asthmatics.

Sagging pillows that have been used for years no longer provide the support your neck and head need and can push your spine out of alignment. This can lead to sore muscles and neck pain, causing you to toss and turn uncomfortably.

How often do you need to replace your pillow?

(Image credit: Getty Images)

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America recommends replacing your pillow every two years or sooner. This also depends on other factors such as the type of your sleeping environment, the materials used in your pillows and their use.

If you have a particularly durable pillow that you take good care of, wash regularly and change the covers, your pillow will last longer. According to Bedding expertsFor most people, changing the pillow every 1 to 2 years is sufficient.

5 signs you need to replace your pillow

Now that we know how often a pillow should be replaced, it's important to look for clear signs that a change may be necessary sooner.

1. You have neck pain in the morning

Just as it is important that your mattress provides healthy spinal alignment, your pillows should also support your neck so you can sleep comfortably at night.

Old pillows can be too soft, flat or uneven to lie on. You may find yourself pushing your pillow or duvet under your neck to get the support you need, and this can cause unnecessary strain on your neck and muscles.

2. Your pillow is discolored

The yellowing or the Stains on your pillows can have various causes. Sweat, saliva, dust, skin and hair oils, as well as sleeping on wet hair can contribute to moisture absorption over time and lead to these spots.

It can also be due to a buildup of bacteria, which not only causes your pillows to turn yellow but also irritates your skin and causes rashes.

Yellow stains on pillows and mattress

(Image credit: Getty Images)

3. Your pillows have lost their shape

Old pillows can look like deflated balloons, losing their shape and becoming lumpy. The once soft filling becomes unevenly distributed and no longer provides adequate support for your neck.

This is because the mattress compresses under the weight of your head each night. Over time, this causes the filling to flatten and reduce its loft.

4. Your allergies are worse

If you suffer from allergies, asthma, or sinus infections, your condition will worsen if you don't replace your pillows. Constant exposure to airborne dust particles, pet hair, and dead skin cells can cause dust mites and even bed bugs to build up in your pillows.

They also thrive in humid and warm conditions, so if you find yourself sneezing more often than usual, it may be time to replace your dusty pillows with new ones.

A woman sneezes in bed because of allergies

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

5. They start to smell

Smelly pillows? It's time for new pillows so you can sleep well. Unpleasant smells are a sure sign that body fat, sweat and dirt have penetrated your pillow through the cover.

This can also indicate a buildup of bacteria that no amount of homemade or fragrant air fresheners can eliminate.

The 3 best pillow deals for this weekend

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