
Silenced screams: The tragic end of a helpless baby | THE DAILY TRIBUNE

Silenced screams: The tragic end of a helpless baby | THE DAILY TRIBUNE


The Daily Tribune –

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The baby was just six months old. But that didn't stop the man from hitting him in the face when he cried helplessly. He was supposed to take care of the child while the mother was away, but he lost patience when the little baby wouldn't stop crying. So he decided to put an end to the crying once and for all.

There were also two women living in the house – a nurse and her friend.

Shockingly, they did not lift a finger to help. Instead, when the mother returned, they claimed it was an accident. They simply told her that the baby had died because it had fallen out of bed while sleeping.

They thought they would get away with it, but fate had other plans.

Investigators could not be deceived

Suspicious investigators searched the house and found incriminating evidence pointing to the brutal crime. Unsurprisingly, when the case was tried in the Supreme Criminal Court, all three received prison sentences.

The 22-year-old man, a national of the Gulf Cooperation Council, was sentenced to seven years in prison. However, he has appealed the verdict before the Supreme Court of Appeal, which is due to issue its final decision on the 30th of this month.


According to police, the six-month-old baby died from severe injuries and bleeding caused by the man's repeated blows to the infant's face.

The court also found the baby's mother, a 32-year-old Asian national, guilty of negligence and sentenced her to six months in prison.

In addition, the court convicted the baby's caregiver of negligence for failing to protect the child and attempting to cover up the crime.

She was sentenced to three years and six months in prison. The caregiver's friend, who was also present at the incident, was sentenced to three years in prison for her involvement in the events that led to the baby's death.

No intention!

According to court documents, although the man did not intend to kill the baby, his violence directly led to the child's death. According to police records, the horrific incident began when the baby began crying uncontrollably on the day the mother had to go to work. Instead of calming the baby, the man decided to silence it by violently hitting the child in the face.

The attack was too much for the little baby. The crying stopped, but soon the baby succumbed to his severe head injury, which resulted in intracranial bleeding.

The situation became even more disturbing when police discovered that the 29-year-old Asian caregiver and her friend, also an Asian national, were present when the man took out his anger on the baby.

Instead of protecting the child, the caregiver tried to cover up the crime by falsely telling the shocked mother that the baby had died from a fall out of bed.

Although the mother knew nothing about the brutal attack, she reported the incident to authorities. DNA told a different story The investigation took a sharp turn when forensic scientists arrived at the scene and began analyzing the evidence, including DNA traces from both the baby and the accused. When questioned, the suspects initially denied their involvement.

However, in the face of forensic evidence and the confessions of the caregivers, they could no longer maintain their lies.

The GCC citizen, who had initially claimed it was an accident, eventually confessed to his crime, which led to the original conviction. However, as the court prepared to close the case, the man returned and requested a reduction in his sentence.

The final verdict from the Court of Appeal is pending and will be announced later this month. In the end, the baby's cries will be silenced forever, but the echoes of that tragic day will haunt everyone involved for years to come.

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