
Man for everything, figurehead and “Star of the Week”

Man for everything, figurehead and “Star of the Week”

Kirchhain. There wasn't really much to laugh about for the HSG Kirchhain/Neustadt handball players last weekend: The new district league season kicked off with a clear 26:39 defeat against HSG Mörlen, which left the team in last place in the table after the first match day. But despite the evening being a tough one from a sporting perspective, there was a celebration at the end. Jonas Seifart (ten years in the senior team) and Lars Grothe (20 years in the senior team) were two players celebrating an anniversary – and to mark the occasion they donated a whopping 110 liters of beer to the club, which was then able to enjoy the proceeds from the sale.

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Grothe's record is particularly notable. He is a Kirchhain native, started playing for TSV in the early 1990s and, at the age of 39, still plays for the team that merged to form HSG two years ago. “For me, it's just a number. Celebrating with my teammates was more important to me,” he says modestly.

Re-promotion in 2016 – a special highlight

Grothe was nominated as “Star of the Week” but ultimately won the vote with 73 votes. He is not just a player celebrating his anniversary, he is the man for everything, the figurehead of the club. When he is not on the field, he works as the HSG's sports director or as the TSV's deputy chairman. He can also look back on 15 years as a referee for the club.

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“Of course,” the right winger “reflected a little” on his handball career on the occasion of the anniversary. He speaks of beautiful moments, above all the successful return to the district league in 2016 – after a four-year absence – when Kirchhain/Neustadt won the relegation match against HSG Gedern/Nidda on goal difference. “The return match was in Kirchhain, the hall was packed.” Tensions build up over the whole season and then erupt in one moment. It's impossible to describe.”

A friendly match against the Algerian national team

Another special memory for Grothe was the friendly match against the Algerian national team, which was preparing for the 2005 World Cup in Tunisia in central Hesse and was looking for friendly match opponents in advance. But he has also had difficult times, including a torn medial ligament in his knee around ten years ago. “That set me back a lot.” But in general he is “happy that he can still play,” that he has not suffered any more serious injuries and that his body is still up to it.

It is not for nothing that coach Benedikt Blattner calls him “Mr. Reliable” – at least that is what the entry for “Star of the Week” says. It is an assessment that Grothe seems to find fitting. “Consistency has always been my strength. Others were better than me, but I wanted it more and was always there.” His 100 percent participation in training during preparation is proof of this.

Kirchhain/Neustadt: Initially a “major opponent” of the merger

This is also why he is still active as a player. He does not want to commit to a specific date for the end of his career at the moment, but instead wants to make it dependent on the demands of his job and his further club activities. “I got older and that took away a lot of focus. I have to look at it from year to year.” But it is already clear that he wants to stay with not only handball, but also the HSG – in what capacity depends on the chemistry in the club. “If the team cohesion crumbles, I don't have to stand there anymore.”

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However, the club is currently far from that. Grothe emphasizes the “good cooperation” and the support of each individual. He speaks of a “small family” and the team consists of “great guys” between whom “there was no room for words” even shortly after the merger.

The “Star of the Week” admits that he was initially a “big opponent” of the merger between TSV Kirchhain and VfL Neustadt. The process of rethinking took five years, but he was then the driving force behind the merger and helped to draw up the contract. “It's working surprisingly well – I actually didn't expect it to.” The next opportunity to prove this and make amends for the botched start will be on Saturday, September 21st, from 8 p.m. at the away game against MSG Florstadt/Gettenau.


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