
Live podcast: Kurt Krömer celebrates 100th podcast episode with live show in Cologne

Live podcast: Kurt Krömer celebrates 100th podcast episode with live show in Cologne

comedian Kurt Kroemer (49) Recorded the 100th episode of his podcast “Feelings” in Cologne. In front of around 350 spectators at the Volksbühne am Rudolfplatz, the Berliner welcomed his Cologne colleague Carolin Kebekus (44). “I've never done as many episodes in my life as I have of this thing,” the TV presenter greeted his audience.

The entertainer, who can currently also be seen in the Sunday ProSieben format “Wer stehlt mir die Show”, started his podcast two years ago. He initially sits in the studio blindfolded and does not know which celebrity is visiting him. The premiere guest in November 2022 was musician Herbert Grönemeyer.

In Cologne Krömer turned the tables: While he already knew who his guest was, the audience had to put on a blindfold at the beginning. During the two-hour conversation, Kebekus gave the host a red clown nose – to celebrate Carnival.

The recording of the anniversary episode will be broadcast on various podcast platforms on October 10th. It can be heard on Amazon Music a week earlier.

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