
Motorcyclist seriously injured in crash – Baden-Württemberg

Motorcyclist seriously injured in crash – Baden-Württemberg

Right of way taken

A rescue helicopter flew a seriously injured biker to hospital in the Rhein-Neckar district. A car driver had cut off the man's right of way.

The motorcyclist was seriously injured. (Symbolic image) Photo: Moritz Frankenberg/dpa

Source: German Press Agency (dpa).
The BZ editorial team has not edited this report.

Sinsheim (dpa) – A motorcyclist sustained serious injuries in an accident in the Rhein-Neckar district. A car driver cut off the right of way of the 64-year-old biker on a county road near Adersbach in the afternoon and caused him to fall, police reported. The motorcyclist was taken to hospital by rescue helicopter. The 32-year-old car driver was uninjured.

© dpa‍-infocom, dpa:240920‍-930‍-238769/1

Department: Baden-Württemberg

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