
Violence in Sinaloa: The military operator in Culiacán remained for a second

Violence in Sinaloa: The military operator in Culiacán remained for a second

Military helicopters in Santa Fe cause damage to the population

A professor of the Escuela Secundaria Técnica No. 90, located in the Santa Fe sector of Culiacán, as part of her social work, compared a video with the manifesto of the mood of the graduate and the personal lecturer before the presence of the military personnel in the area.

Previously, authorities were likely to turn away an operator with a helicopter in your area.

“Todos estamos muy asustados, pues a punto de cir adiós, nos vamos. Alla anda un helicopter, dos helicopters. Muchas patrullas,” explains a plant professor in a video. “Ningún alumno has the case that we inform ourselves about our lives,” he or an integrated lecturer said.

Hasta la presente edición, se deconocen la causas por las que la aeronaves de las fuerzas armadas habrían sobrevolado the área of ​​​​noroeste de Culiacán Rosales.

The Secretariat for Security confirms operations in Navolato

In the course of a publication at the workplace ofSemar) in the municipality of Navolato, which included only a few helicopters.

“During patrols and reconnaissance flights in Navolato, we are aware that elements of the Armada de México-Marina Secretary are being located and monitored.” A double and civilian camera“, Explain the property dependency without knowing more details about the owners.

I operate within the borders of Sinaloa with Durango

The Secretaría de Seguridad Pública (SSP) in the state of Durango has dealt with the request for elements of the Base de Operaciones Interinstitucionales, which have been installed on site Tayoltitain the municipality of San Dimas, which coexists with Sinaloa.

Personnel from the Policía Estatal, the Policía Municipal, the Ejército Mexicano and the Guardia Nacional carried out vigilance measures and established various checkpoints.

(Secretaría de Seguridad Pública de Durango)

Flight operations in Navolato

Alrededor de las diez de la mañana (hora local), habitantes de Navolato reportaron the presencia de un Artillery helicopter of the Marina Secretariat (Semar), which is obviously involved in an area of ​​persecution by an armed group.

Inform non-official persons that the operator operating in the Lo de Reyes region has not received any further details.

Reporter desperately searching for a funeral ceremony

Three mourners from a burial site in the municipality of San Ignacio were reported as desperate reporters. The public denunciation was made by Jorge Chávez Rangel, Juan Martínez Rangel and Alejandro Malagón.

His confidants contacted them on the evening of September 17, when they were driving into the city of Mazatlán, at the border of a cemetery along the burial route, crossing the Mazatlán-Culiacán road into the old town of Verde Camacho.

Freed by two JAPAC trabajadors

Recently, after four days, two workers from the Junta Municipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Culiacán (JAPAC) were freed with several heirs and informed the local press.

Elías Humberto “N” and Jorge “N”, identified as victims, became private citizens of their freedom on September 14 when they drove to the border of a vehicle in Culiacán. On the evening of September 18, we entered the urgent area of ​​​​a local hospital, where they had several opportunities for vacation.

AMLO revealed EEUU information about the arrest of “Mayo”

At his press conference, Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated that the competent authorities had not received the necessary information about the measures taken by Ismael Zambada García.

The capture of the criminal man provoked “a situation of instability and confrontation” in the context of the confrontation promoted by “Mayo” and the Los Chapitos group.

AMLO informs the EEUU about current findings before the capture of Mayo Zambada: “There are no reasons why we should ignore Mexico.”

The president reconstructed that the violence from the capo's arrest caused an unstable situation in Sinaloa

López Obrador in the Palacio Nacional conference. Credit: Cuartoscuro
López Obrador in the Palacio Nacional conference. Credit: Cuartoscuro

Once again, the President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador In her upcoming conference, she met with the arrest of Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada and the report on the violence in Sinaloa that lasted more than 40 days.

Hallan a body in the area of ​​La Costerita

During the first hours of the day, medium-sized towns reported the location of a person heading for the La Costera colony, near Culiacán Rosales.

Please inform yourself about the pre-determination, the accommodation is very close to Cobijas and is located in an area of ​​higher elevations between Avenidas Patria and La Costerita (Plan Mar de Cortés) I assume that it is a young man with a robust complexion who is in line at the moment he wears black black pants and a player of different color.

Identified as three-year-old Asesinados in Culiacán; contact with information about aparición

The Thursday of September 18th was sent by a few officials, according to official information

Image of security officers during an inspection in a property in Culiacán. (JOSÉ BETNZOS/CUARTOSCURO)
Image of security officers during an inspection in a property in Culiacán. (JOSÉ BETNZOS/CUARTOSCURO)

During the violent Wednesday of September 18, 2018, people were killed in different states of Sinaloa after reading the data of the Attorney General (FGE).

Buscan with Carlos and Edwin, Father and his “Levantados”

After detecting the illegal privacy of freedom of two people in the sector of La Campiña in Culiacán, the business books of Carlos Alberto Pérez and his son Edwin Alberto Pérez were uncovered.

More information is available, Habrían sido raptados por sujetos armados alrededor de las 19:00 horas del Miércoles 18 de September.

Before the report of the Hechos, elements of the SSP who sent an agent in the area, although they could not confirm the privacy of Freedom, we could only agree on a great humiliation by the callers.

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