
Israel's beeper attacks are terrorism

Israel's beeper attacks are terrorism

Israel has carried out two terrorist attacks in Lebanon this week, bringing the entire region ever closer to the brink of open war. These are the actions of a rogue state and the direct result of a climate of total impunity.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, thousands of explosive-laden pagers and radios were detonated across Lebanon.

The explosions occurred in crowded supermarkets, on busy streets, as well as in homes, schools and hospitals. The attack maimed more than 3,000 people and killed at least 300 others, including children.

“Israel has neither confirmed nor denied involvement in the explosions,” the New York Times “But 12 current and former defense and intelligence officials briefed on the attack say the Israelis were behind it, describing the operation as complex and its preparation lengthy.”

Cars and homes were set on fire and hospitals were overwhelmed with thousands of victims. Because the bombs began to beep repeatedly before they exploded, many victims held them close to their faces as they detonated, causing horrific injuries.

Much of the Western mainstream media marvels at the alleged “precision” and “sophistication” of the attack and portrays it as an operation aimed exclusively at Hezbollah members. This is obviously false, as numerous civilians were injured and killed.

Israel's real aim was clear: to instill fear and mass panic throughout the population. In the second attack on Wednesday, explosions were heard during the funeral of four people killed the previous day. According to unconfirmed reports, solar panels and ATMs also exploded in the attacks. People across Lebanon said they were afraid to use electronic devices.

There is a word for this: terrorism.

The terrorist attacks taking place across Lebanon are reckless actions that could trigger war throughout the region. Israeli politicians are threatening to invade the south of the country.

Israel's genocide in Gaza has devastated the Israeli economy and sparked international outrage and condemnation. Yet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains interested in pursuing a perpetual war. He has therefore derailed ceasefire negotiations at every turn and insisted on impossible conditions so that he can prolong the genocide in Gaza for as long as possible.

This is also why he is trying to drag the entire region into a larger war. After all, the Israeli government has been bombing Lebanon since the beginning of the genocide in Gaza. This includes numerous attacks with white phosphorus in populated areas, a clear violation of international law. In October, just days after the genocide began, an Israeli attack in southern Lebanon killed one Reuters reporter and injured six other journalists.

Netanyahu wants a perpetual war because he wants to stay in power. His ruling coalition is weak and will likely collapse when Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza ends. An invasion of Lebanon would draw Iran and Syria into the conflict, expanding the genocide in Gaza into a war on multiple fronts. That will likely keep Netanyahu's coalition intact – and avert his looming corruption trial.

The United States has said it opposes further “escalation” and supports a “diplomatic solution” to the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. Regardless of what U.S. officials say, an Israeli war with Lebanon would bring Israel more U.S. weapons and military money – and line the pockets of U.S. weapons manufacturers.

When the region is on the brink of war, the stocks of defense contractors like Lockheed Martin rise. That's because they are part of a multibillion-dollar industry that has a vested interest in perpetual war.

Here's how it works: The US transfers billions of dollars in tax money to Israel, which Israel then uses to buy weapons on the US market from US-based weapons manufacturers, which exert enormous influence on US foreign and defense policy and have a massive impact on the US economy.

Israel relies on a steady supply of US weapons to maintain a “permanent state of war” that includes decades of military occupation of millions of Palestinians and the nearly year-long genocide in Gaza. In exchange for unwavering US military and diplomatic support, Israel serves as a pillar of US dominance in the region by protecting so-called “US interests.” Because weapons manufacturers are so influential, “US interests” usually align with the US companies that make the bombs.

Israel is a rogue state. If it continues to act with impunity, there will only be more death and destruction. The only way to end the genocide in Gaza and prevent a regional war is for the US government to stop arming Israel, period.

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