
VIDEO | US Embassy School Election Project 2024: Project at more than 350 German schools on the US election

VIDEO | US Embassy School Election Project 2024: Project at more than 350 German schools on the US election

The presidential election in the USA is entering its hot phase: in less than 50 days, the election will take place in America. The mood in the country is currently quite heated, which is also having an impact on Germany. That is why Leuphana University Lüneburg (Lower Saxony) has developed a school project on the US election together with the American embassy. Around 5,000 students from more than 350 schools across Germany are currently taking part. The aim is for each school class to make a prediction at the end as to whether voters in the individual US states will choose Trump or Harris.

The US School Election Project will continue in the coming years. Interested schools or classes can still register for the current election at

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