
This is how the first episode of the new Stefan Raab show went

This is how the first episode of the new Stefan Raab show went

Man nehme einen der größten Entertainer der deutschen Fernsehlandschaft, würzt das ganze mit einer Prise “TV Total” und rührt einmal kräftig mit dem “Schlag den Raab”-Löffel – fertig ist Stefan Raabs neue Show “You won’t win the million here with Stefan Raab.” The show will make its debut exclusively on the streaming platform RTL+ on September 18, 2024. As one[–>Mitteilung According to the channel's press release, the new format had a successful debut. According to the report, the premiere of the show was the “best new start of all time on RTL+” and resulted in a strong increase in subscriptions. However, how many viewers actually tune in is not publicly known. But how did the first edition of the new show go?


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Rückblicke mit Raab

Gleich zu Beginn der Pilot-Folge wird klar: Stefan Raab erfindet mit seinem neuen Format das Rad nicht neu. Im Gegenteil – er macht genau dort weiter, wo er vor knapp neun Jahren aufgehört hat. Die erste halbe Stunde gleicht einer Zeitreise in eine lange zurückliegende TV-Ära. Raab blickt in seiner gewohnt frechen Manier auf die TV-Geschehnisse der vergangenen Tage zurück. Sein ikonisches “TV Total”-Nippelbord ersetzte der Entertainer durch das sogenannte “Meme-Pad”. Statt auf Knöpfe tippt Raab nun auf ein Smartphone – “Technology has to move forward,” he commented on this change. The 57-year-old seems to know that television is no longer the ultimate and that things are now happening on the Internet. In the first 30 minutes, he also looks at events on the Internet and comments on them in his well-known mischievous way.

Rückkehr des Raabinator

Nach der “TV Total”-Einlage zu Beginn, wechselt die Show in den Wettkampf-Modus und begibt sich damit in das “Schlag den Raab”-Territorium. Raab stellt fünf Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten eine Frage. Wer diese schneller richtig beantwortet, darf gegen den Raabinator, wie der Entertainer auch genannt wird, antreten. Der Weg zum Preisgeld ist lang. Es müssen viele Fragen beantwortet und verschiedene Challenges gegen Stefan Raab can be won. The game leader in the first three shows is the presenter and Raab's eternal show intern Elton. Anyone who loses a game or answers a quiz question incorrectly is out. The first candidate in the show's history, Oliver Buse, has to leave the show after four questions and two games. He loses to Raab in the balls-on-one[–>Bürostuhl-Throw. The next participant, Sören Kluge from Berlin, then answered two questions correctly and won his first game thanks to a mistake by Raab. Experienced fans will find out what happens next for him in the next edition on September 25, 2024.

TV-Konkurrenz Total?

Mit seiner neuen Produktion auf RTL+ Stefan Raab is attacking his former television baby “TV Total”. He hosted the show on ProSieben from 1999 to 2015 and is now entering direct competition with his new format. The now[–>Sebastian Pufpaff moderated show, however, did not harm Raab's return on September 18, 2024 on RTL. As the online portal[–>Meedia reported, “TV Total” reached 12.4 percent of the young audience that evening, narrowly beating the successful format “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”. In his new edition, Pufpaff nevertheless took a few digs at TV veteran Stefan Raab. How successful the new Raab show will be and what other concepts the entertainer has up his sleeve remains to be seen.

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