
Cyclist injured and firefighters called out after fire! – Nachrichten AG

Cyclist injured and firefighters called out after fire! – Nachrichten AG

An accident occurred in Waldsolms-Weiperfelden on Thursday evening in which a 44-year-old cyclist was seriously injured. The accident occurred at around 6:30 p.m. when the 69-year-old driver of a Mazda failed to see the cyclist while turning off a property. The biker suffered abrasions and a concussion and was given first aid on the spot before being taken to hospital. The driver was uninjured but escaped with a fright.

That same morning, residents of Waldsolms-Kraftsolms feared for their safety when an attempt to destroy weeds with a burner resulted in a fire service operation. At around 11:11 a.m., a Thuja hedge caught fire, followed by a trailer and a garden shed. The Waldsolms fire service was able to extinguish the fires quickly. The material damage caused by the incident is estimated at around 5,000 euros. As reports, the situation remains tense while investigations into the incident continue.

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