
Asylum seeker abuses girl | Great Britain | News

Asylum seeker abuses girl | Great Britain | News

A “rejected asylum seeker” managed to drug and sexually abuse a “particularly vulnerable” 14-year-old girl after the Interior Ministry “failed” to deport him.

Sam Sharma, 34, from India, carried out shocking abuse on the child over more than 12 months after previously spending 14 months in prison for racially abusing police officers, spitting and urinating on them, and threatening to rape members of the officers' families.

However, after his release from prison, he was not deported, even though he was an illegal immigrant.

Sharma was allowed to walk freely on the streets after his release because, according to his lawyer, the Home Office “probably did not get around to it.”

Sheriff Alison McKay has now arrested Sharma for a second time. He is serving a three-year prison sentence.

He was found guilty by a jury at Perth Sheriff Court on 26 May 2023 of drugging and sexually abusing the teenager in Dundee.

She said: “If he does not have a British passport and it is true that he applied for asylum and was refused, then Mr Sharma will be known. They can already deport Mr Sharma if they want to.

“I believe that you are already in the sights of the Home Office and they will decide whether you will be deported or not.”

Sharma's defence lawyer Neil Beardmore told the court: “He has made previous applications which have been rejected. He is from India.”

“He doesn't have a British passport. He applied for asylum and his application was rejected. You would expect them to deport him after he has served his sentence.

“You have to ask yourself why the Home Office didn't take care of it after his last arrest. They probably just didn't get around to it.”

Sharma, a former salesman, administered cannabis to the girl – a crime for which he was also found guilty.

He then sexually assaulted her at an address in Dundee's West End. At the time of his offence, he had been released on bail three times.

Sharma received a verdict of “not proven” on allegations that he sexually assaulted another woman while she slept.

Sheriff McKay said: “In relation to the sexual conduct towards the girl, I consider that she was a particularly vulnerable young person.”

Sharma was sentenced to 36 months in prison and will be on the sex offenders' register for the rest of his life.

Sharma was sentenced to 14 months in prison in January 2022 and Dundee Sheriff Court was told he should be deported.

The rejected asylum seeker had spat and urinated on police officers and hurled racist abuse at one of them while threatening to rape and murder members of the police officers' families.

Sharma referred to one officer as a “freshie” – a racist term meaning “fresh off the boat”. He also suffers from an arm deformity, having broken it several times during the confrontation with police.

Sharma attacked PC Shogun Hangetsu on September 3, 2021, by spitting, shouting, cursing and urinating on the officers.

He also admitted to making racist remarks towards the officer and threatening police officers and their families.

Deputy Fiscal Lora Apostolova told Dundee Sheriff Court: “It is believed he is an Indian alien and deportation is a current issue.”

“The police had a reason for their visit. He appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and was behaving erratically. He claimed to be of Indian descent and called PC Hangetsu a damn bastard.”

“He called him Freshie, which means fresh off the boat, and is a common insult for ethnic minorities. He was cautioned for his behaviour but continued to be aggressive.”

Sharma ranted: “I will get a gun and shoot your mother in the pussy. I will f*** your sister and shoot your mother. I will find you on the street and stab you.”

“I'm going to f*** you and put my big cock in you. Don't f*** me. You want to suck my cock, newbie? I'm going to kill your family. I'm a big guy.”

Sharma ran to the back of the police car, spat at the officer and then urinated through a crack in the door of the police car.

The officers were forced to retreat to avoid being sprayed.

Lawyer Gary McIlravey, who defended Sharma at the time, said: “He has little memory of the events. He admits to drinking alcohol, but not very much.”

“He cannot explain his behaviour. He is deeply ashamed and appalled by his behaviour and would like to apologise to everyone involved.

“This can best be described as unsavory and extremely unpleasant. At some point during the incident his left forearm was broken in several places.

“His inappropriate behavior was quickly punished. His arm will remain in an uneven position for the rest of his life.”

Sheriff Alistair Carmichael said: “They spat at police officers, which is unacceptable. They threatened them and their families, even shooting and stabbing them.”

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