
Does Stefan Raab’s new show influence the “TV Total” quotes?

Does Stefan Raab’s new show influence the “TV Total” quotes?

On Wednesday evening, Stefan Raab (57) launched his new format “You won’t win a million here.” Stefan Raab” on RTL+. Almost at the same time, ProSieben showed the well-known show TV Total. However, the launch of the rival show does not affect the established long-running show: With 12.4 percent, “TV Total” lost one percentage point in the target group of 14 to 49 year olds compared to the previous week, but was able to maintain its reach exactly and reach 1.05 million viewers.

Previously, there was trouble behind the scenes in terms of music: The band Heavytones, which has been providing the musical accompaniment to “TV Total” for 18 years, announced their resignation to start a “new chapter”. According to information from Picture But the original plan was for the ensemble to be in front of the camera for “TV Total” until the end of the year. However, when the band appeared at the press conference after the boxing match Stefan and Regina Halmich (47) played the accompanying music, the makers of “TV Total” are said to have been very annoyed and immediately released the Heavytones. The music group was put together in 2000 at the entertainer's request, and they remained in contact even during his retirement from show business.

But what do the viewers actually say about Stefan's newer show? “It’s like it’s 2015 – the world is still in order.” […] “I love everything about it and am very happy” or “The new show from Stefan Raab is funnier and more entertaining after just ten minutes than the three-hour event show on Saturday. Finally he is back. Wonderful. Completely in his element. “The backdrop looks very chic too,” are just two enthusiastic voices on XThe audience is also on cloud nine and is happy that the presenter is back in show business.

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