
Pilot project by Interior Minister Léon Gloden: “Police locale” also in other municipalities, depending on wishes and needs

Pilot project by Interior Minister Léon Gloden: “Police locale” also in other municipalities, depending on wishes and needs

Has Luxembourg become safer? Interior Minister Léon Gloden (CSV) answered this question in an interview with 100.7 on Thursday morning: “According to the feedback I get, yes.” However, the feeling of security is subjective. The newly created “Police Locale”, which is currently running a pilot project in Esch and Luxembourg City, is also intended to contribute to this.

An evaluation of the local police force is to take place at the end of this year. “But there are already communities that are knocking on my door and want to have a local police force,” says Gloden. Whether this will happen will then have to be evaluated with the relevant regional police departments. There would be no additional costs for the communities, however. “The communities that want it – and where the security situation requires it – will get it,” says Gloden. But where there is no need, there is no point in setting up such a unit.

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