
This happened behind the scenes of his new show

This happened behind the scenes of his new show

This is what happens in Stefan Raab's new show

He had previously lost one of the games against candidate Sören – but clearly blamed the presenter Elton. The opponents had to compete against each other in changing tires. The rules were clear and simple: whoever replaced four tires first won. All of the wheel nuts had to be screwed back in, and so tightly that Elton could not loosen them by hand.

In the meantime, Elton had seen candidate Sören almost at the finish line – which put Raab under pressure. He was probably inattentive and pressed the bell to signal that he was finished, which was why he was hasty. Too hasty.

One of the wheel nuts didn't stand up to Elton's inspection. He unscrewed it again without any effort. Raab had lost the game – which really annoyed him.

After show premiere: Stefan Raab is furious knows: Minutes after the end of the recording, Raab was still ranting about the supposedly incorrect announcements by presenter Elton. And he openly admitted: “I'm really angry!”

Most of his fans, who watched the premiere show in the studio, love him precisely for this doggedness. Ultimately, however, this did him no good. Candidate Sören was officially declared the winner and can continue his fight for a prize of one million euros in the next show.

Because: “You won't win the million here with Stefan Raab” only lasts 90 minutes. Going over the end, as was once the case with “Beat the Raab”, is not possible. The candidate who is still in the game or the time of the show's end is therefore allowed to continue playing in the following show.

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