
Man ignores orders not to return to Central Village; shot dead

Man ignores orders not to return to Central Village; shot dead

Police patrol Central Village in St. Catherine on Wednesday after a man was killed by gunfire in the community.

19 September 2024

A former Central Village resident was shot dead by gunmen on Wednesday while visiting the rough community of St. Catherine.

Residents told the Jamaica Observer on Wednesday, it was announced that the man, whose identity police had not ascertained at press time, had been sentenced to death. He reportedly once lived in the community but was forced to leave the area some time ago due to a conflict. According to residents, he was told by men in the area not to return to the community or face death.

On Wednesday he entered the area and was shot dead.

“We all know him,” said one man.

“It's just that when you flee a community, you shouldn't look back. He came back and people saw him and beat him,” the man added.

While police searched the scene of the accident, street vendors and taxi drivers seemed unfazed by the incident and continued going about their own business.

Police officers discuss the killing of a man in Central Village, St. Catherine, on Wednesday.

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