
Stefan Raab has to censor in new RTL show, but candidate calls a spade a spade

Stefan Raab has to censor in new RTL show, but candidate calls a spade a spade

Stefan Raab has clearly set himself some goals for his new RTL show. In “Du gewinnst hier nicht die Million” the TV veteran is not only trying to combine three classic formats, but also to ensure TV-friendly censorship. One candidate, however, is not taking part…

Can Stefan Raab more shows? This question occupied almost all of Germany's television audience on Wednesday evening. After the 57-year-old got a “slap in the face” during his big comeback last Saturday, many predicted a similar fate for his new Broadcast.

Because the (self-)staging of the TV legend around the boxing match against Regina Halmich (47) many critics had found it to be extremely exaggerated and labelled the humour as long outdated. Almost ten years had passed since Stefan Raab Waiting for his return, he then announced immediately after his defeat in the ring a new format on RTL+ – and it has big plans. Because “You won't win the million here” turns out in the first episode to be a show that tries to combine several classics. But can it really work?

Stefan Raab makes audience murmur with saying

Anyone who needs a little more nostalgia for the big Stefan Raab comeback can definitely look forward to “Du gewinnst hier nicht die Million” (You won’t win the million here). The entertainer has brought along some one-shot clips again – like in his good old “TV Total” days. This time, it’s very modern, on a so-called “Memepad”, where pop singers in particular Florian Silbereisen gets rid of his fat.

And speaking of “TV Total”: The first half hour of the new format really feels like a Trip into the past. Stefan Raab with his charming art and a broad grin, he cracks one joke after another as always. All : The description of the product is that of the seller. from the world of media and of course the presenter also looks back on the “scandal of the weekend”: his fight against Regina Halmich.

With the help of a compiled “highlight” clip, Raab wants to clearly show once again how undeservedly he lost in his opinion. Of course, the video only shows his own hits. What the ambitious amateur boxer also cannot leave uncommented: A statement after the fight by Natascha Ochsenknecht (60), who had merely portrayed Stefan Raab's body as being in a good light (“When he relaxed a bit, you thought: 'Well, okay, that's a bit less now'”).

“I have to hear that from Judas’ mother,” Raab replies cheekily. A murmur goes through the audience. In the film “The Passion”, Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht (32) In fact, he actually played the role of Judas, as the showmaster explains.

“You won’t win a million here”: a
from “TV Total”, “Beat the Raab” and “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

At a televised service on ZDF, Stefan Raab Then the song “Alles aus Liebe” by the Toten Pants in church music. There are other suggestions for possible church service songs. Among them is the “A..schf..cksong” by Sido, whose title the TV veteran always censors. Very TV-friendly: “I won't say what it is. It's too hot for me. I'm just hinting at it.”

But Raab definitely didn't count on a candidate. When the presenter asked five people what the song by the Dead was like, Pants was called, which in worship Was played, one of them answers without censorship: “A..schf..cksong.” Although the Answer Not really, but the laugh of the evening was this Participant promptly secured. Raab can hardly contain himself: “You can’t say that here.” Ultimately, it is Oliver (31) from Karlsruhe who qualifies for the quiz about the One million euro qualified.

Up to this point, the question has been answered, as the title of the show is in an appropriate state. For over half an hour, a new version of “TV Total” at its finest was shown. But that was only a third of the full concept.

Stefan Raab finally presented the prize tree, at the end of which a million euro This consists of several multiple choice questions that must be answered correctly. Otherwise, the candidate is replaced by another. So far, so normal, but there are also intermediate stages: Here the candidate must Participant Stefan Raab Defeat in one game – in the end even in three duels in a row to be able to win the maximum prize. However, for each game won, the candidate at least gets some money that he can no longer lose.

One mixture from “TV Total”, “Schlag den Raab” and “Who wants to be a millionaire?” too? What sounds ambitious turns out to be a bit too much of a good thing, at least in the first episode of “You won’t win the million here”.

Stefan Raab defeats his opponents at the “Office Chair Ball”

Started strong and faded away. After the late-night comedy episode in the first third of the Broadcast The quiz concept does not seem to be properly developed. Long thinking times for the candidate without any real Suspense Always let the show have a supporting effect. The games “Chain-link fence” (based on Raab’s hit), in which Raab and Oliver Race with side cutters through ten Chain link fences and “Office Chair Ball”, where as many tennis balls as possible have to be thrown onto an office chair, are not yet up to the Entertainment value the “Beat the Raab” duels.

The first game against the second candidate, Sören (36) from Berlin, lasts a full twelve minutes, during which the viewers have to watch Raab and his opponents changing tires on one car each. Broadcast Finally, it's over and Sören is allowed to appear as the winner of the game in the second episode of “You won't win the million here” (25. September20.10, RTL+) continues with the jackpot Oliver was previously in the game for 5,000 euro against Stefan Raab but still managed to win 1,000 euro take home.

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