
Become a solar professional in four days: crash course makes it possible

Become a solar professional in four days: crash course makes it possible

Consulting and construction of PV systems requires specialist knowledge.

( Jo Standl, symbolic image)Consulting and construction of PV systems requires specialist knowledge.

Become a solar professional in record time? Solar schools make it possible. In just four days, participants can learn everything they need for a successful career in the photovoltaics industry.

The solar schools of the German Solar Energy Society (DGS) have been offering courses to become “DGS Solar (Specialist) Consultant Photovoltaics” since 1996, currently at seven locations in Germany. The training is aimed at a wide range of professionals such as tradesmen, energy consultants, planners, architects and employees in solar specialist companies, but also at interested laypeople. The DGS recommends that newcomers and career changers attend basic courses beforehand. Depending on previous qualifications, you can acquire the “DGS Solar Specialist Photovoltaics” or “DGS Solar Specialist Photovoltaics” certificate.

Comprehensive curriculum in four days

The course comprises 32 teaching units spread over four days. The content is divided into four main areas: basics, planning, profitability and marketing. The “basic” area covers topics such as solar radiation, solar cell and module technology, inverter technology and electrical storage. The “planning” area deals with system concepts, dimensioning, protection and safety technology as well as standards and regulations. Practical exercises are also part of the training.

One focus is on the economic efficiency of photovoltaic systems. This involves the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) as a basis, the development of electricity prices and PV electricity production costs, yields, self-consumption and self-sufficiency as well as concepts with storage. Various remuneration and operator concepts are explained using practical examples and economic efficiency calculations are carried out. Marketing and customer advice are also not neglected.

Certification and costs

After completing the course, there is a 2.5-hour written exam, which is divided into the following sub-areas: technical basics, planning and design, and economic efficiency. For the “DGS Solar Specialist Photovoltaics” certificate, at least 50 percent of the total points and 30 percent per sub-area are required; for the “DGS Solar Specialist Photovoltaics” certificate, 70 percent total and 50 percent per sub-area are required.

The participation fee for the course is between 950 and 1,140 euros, depending on the provider. There are also optional costs for the exam (60-75 euros) and the DGS guideline “Photovoltaic systems” (80 euros), which serves as the basis for the training.

Well-known providers include the Solarakademie Franken and the Chemnitz Chamber of Crafts. The courses can be found at

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