
The first official artworks for Battlefield 7 are giving fans plenty to talk about

The first official artworks for Battlefield 7 are giving fans plenty to talk about

The artwork for the new Battlefield probably shows burning Gibraltar.

The artwork for the new Battlefield probably shows burning Gibraltar.

That a new battlefield is on the way is as certain as amen in church. Although the details have not yet been finalized, insiders are already predicting a release in autumn 2025 and a modern military setting – a setting with contemporary military and weapons – at the beginning of the year.

At EA's in-house Investor Day, an information event for investors, the time had come. The publisher announced the first information about the upcoming Battlefield installment to its investors and first artworks shown.

We already told you yesterday about some of the most important key data about the setting:

The new Battlefield will actually focus on a modern military setting, offer 64-player matches instead of 128-player matches and the tried-and-tested soldier classes Attack, support, pioneer and reconnaissance The physically correct destruction of the maps should also be rebuilt.

What do the pictures show?

Although the images shown at the Investor Day are only concept graphics, they clearly show in which direction developer DICE will go with the new BattlefieldThe images include contemporary battle tanks, a transport helicopter and a soldier emerging from the shadows of a house entrance with an assault rifle.

The type of houses shown in one of the pictures is very reminiscent of classic Battlefield maps like Attack on Karkand and lets fans a return of the Middle East setting hope. The greyish colour scheme is very reminiscent of the visual style of Battlefield 4.

Internet detectives have also already identified another location: As Battlefield insider Tom Henderson confirmed, the concept image above in the article depicts the British Mediterranean colony of Gibraltar.

This may indicate Conflict between Europe and Africa?

Tanks, helicopters and contemporary soldiers – the first images of Battlefield 7 can reassure worried fans.

After initial scepticism about the new Battlefield, the concept art that has now been released seems to have aroused enthusiasm in the community. On Twitter, many players relieved about the return to the classic Battlefield setting with today's military technology. Twitter user Devons_WrId writes, for example:

You can't imagine how refreshing it is to just see a completely normal looking soldier in a battlefield. Another writes that this is exactly the atmosphere he expects from a Battlefield game.

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Four studios and big ambitions

According to information from the Investor Day, four studios are currently working on the new BattlefieldDICE is primarily responsible for the classic multiplayer, Criterion is developing the single player, Motive is controlling the story and Ripple Effect (the former DICE LA) is responsible for the Battle Royale mode.

Battlefield 7 is one of EA's most ambitious projects to dateBut that is also necessary, because in order to get the alienated players back to the computer after missteps like 2042 or Battlefield 5, good arguments are needed.

Brand boss Vince Zampella has learned from past mistakes and now wants to finally offer Battlefield fans what they really want with Part 7.

It remains to be seen whether the finished game can fulfill this bold promise, or whether it is – as is so often the case with EA games in recent times – a smokescreen that only serves to hype the community up about a half-baked service game.

What do you think of the first pictures of the new Battlefield? Are you looking forward to the return of the Modern Military setting? And which map would you like to see again? Let us know in the comments!

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