
Dead by Daylight spin-off comes to an abrupt end

Dead by Daylight spin-off comes to an abrupt end

Dead by daylight has been a real phenomenon among video games for years and regularly provides its fans with new horror content. Driven by the great success of the brand, developer Behavior Interactive wanted to further fuel its popularity and also release games that work outside of the multiplayer horror genre. For example, The Cast of Frank Stone and with Project T A new spin-off was announced just last May.

This was supposed to be developed by Midwinter Entertainment and was supposed to be a pure PvE shooter for one to four players. Unfortunately, this project has now been discontinued, as Behavior Interactive announced on its channel at Ex-Twitter. With the help of the Insider program and the playtest in July, they were able to collect enough feedback to make a decision about the future of Project T The risk assessment regarding the product and the business prospects ultimately led to the discontinuation of the game.

Nevertheless, there were also positive voices Project T given, as Behavior Interactive explains in the statement. There hasn't been any gameplay material for the title to be seen yet, but perhaps it will find its way onto the internet at some point. It would certainly be interesting.

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