
Last conversation with Schillaci: “The tumor has killed me, the moon has got in my way.” Leave Juventus for the gossip»

Last conversation with Schillaci: “The tumor has killed me, the moon has got in my way.” Leave Juventus for the gossip»

mePaolo Tomaselli

Totò Schillaci, 59 years old, protagonist of the Mondial of 1990, died on September 18

Salvatore Schillaci, Conosciuto da semper nel world del calcio come Totò, è Death 59 years ago he had a long stay in Malta. We will repeat after the last interview published by Corriere, in the month of 2023

Palermo, January 16: Totò Schillaci joined a brief silence, but he had to go to the clinic in Messina Denaro, a Palermo.

Which moments stand still?
“I had a meal in the hospital bar, tried to light a cigarette, and I found everything there. Remember, he is inattentive, and he is determined to kill him.

Four months later, a tumor was insulted.
“The world has grown bigger, I've been depressed, I've had a pain in death. At that moment I did everything, but fortunately this brutal male age has enclosed the colon, but there were no other organs and no great status. I don't know if it's better or not. Since I have even more problems and I have these problems, they are even smaller problems.

What happens next?
“Sono stato operato due voltage, poi a distance di s mesi mesi mi hanno trovato una piccola macchiolina sulla cervicale, me the hanno bruciata una settimana fa con la radioterapia and also ho i controlli per sapere se tto è a posto. Ma mi sento bene before I continue living. The experience in reality Pechino ExpressGirato in India, (the reality, a Sky original product from Banijay Italia and was broadcast by Sky just a few days ago and streamed by NOW) My life had never been there and the strength: the difficulties with which I had to continue were not yet there.

What do you not think about Dino Baggio's suspended sentence?
“We take whatever is there, but under medical supervision. Colleague, I wonder if he is in the Passat? I don't think you believe that you are not trustworthy and that you are not loyal to any doctor.

How tall is your Barbara?
“Tantissimo. My personal doctor is in full swing. My condition is always there: I will not rest, he is depressed, I sleep, I love my love. That's it, I have to hold my hair and I have to take my life. I am a fighter, I have it in my hands.”

Is this your father?
“Lascio vivere i miei figli, non li ho mai ostacolati. The rest was so great: Jessica came to Verona, Mattia studied dentistry in Portogallo, Nicole was an artist in Chiasso and worked in fashion. Alberto, Barbara's son, studies with Mattia. Siamo una family allargata, abbiamo un bellissimo rapporto».

Is it really true that Boniperti retreated to her house to endure the crisis with her little Rita during the Pettegolezzi period because of the Lentini affair?
“Society had problems with my marriage because I had to separate it.” This influences his particular choice.

Did Juve get away with rumours?
“There are difficult moments at the moment, a lot of brutality, also because of the reasons why they resisted.” This was what made my return possible and the Juve Magaris immediately withdrew.

What report did you write with Rita?
“It is not possible to talk to him. I just realized that I wanted, the relationships are over. The important thing is that she is a good mother, who has brought up Jessica and Mattia with her values. The rest does not concern me.”

Nessuna Nazionale, tra quelle che no hanno vinto, è stata così amata quella del 1990. Come mai?
“I made the team stronger, I played in Italy and also for the Canzone delle Notti Magiche. My exploit contributed, but I didn't care about it.

Is it possible that it is intrappolated in quella magia?
“No, it was an unimaginable favorite: but what I have experienced before was a great occasion and I have experienced it.” I do not dare to make a spy. The matchday 21 against Juve, the victory in the Coppa Italia and the Uefa, is true, but in the national team he was a debutant: he was the first player to play the goal and only arrived second at the Pallone d'Oro.

Is it really true that Tacconi shaped his country with Austria?
“Stefanuccio didn't foresee, he did a test when he was ready. With his little brother: Sento il figlio Andrea per sapere come va la riabilitazione dopo l'ischemia: the colpo è stato forte, the strada è molto longa, ma sta migliorando».

The importance of Vialli’s support is not necessarily worth noting.
“Vero. I have not managed to cross with strength and power, I have not managed and will not manage to reach the rest. Gianluca was a man's team, a captain, one who played all year round. A perbene person who is the basis of my bearer: you also deserve the gol of all Argentina.

In “Tre Uomini e una gamba” there is a sketch that definitely shows “Gran visir di tutti i terroni”. Among the cori dei tifosi (“Ruba le gomme”) and other insults, but it was not that easy.
“I had difficulty landing with the 'Terrone' font on the Torino mice and in the empty stadiums. Sono orgoglioso di essere Sicilianano and Felice di aver portato the Sicilianità nel mondo: noi del Sud abbiamo questo heatre thetro».

Is there a reason for this in Italy?
“I took advantage of my opportunity and made a great report with the person, also with the source of the north: I sent him very skillfully. So I'll always be the contestants, purely on Pechino Express, he wrote me comments. I can tell you all this, even if you don't know how I ignore you, because I behave and don't feel ignorant. I accept everything, but I think something is wrong.”

“I’m looking for visibility.”

Must Schillaci have served reality in the end?
“Sì, I don't speak English and I decided to pass the time in any way I could. When everyone had to Google my name, the attitude changed: “A Signore has stepped on the ground that I made with my camera.”

A reality similar to sport?
“Yes, because I am all friends, but when I cook I play to save them.” I know that it was a long, long experience, but painful, I also told Ciro Ferrara. I was so confused that I could no longer face the tumor, I attacked the doctors and my wife voluntarily refused to make the difference. Not in optimal conditions, but the spirit of adaptation is not my thing.

One soldier per service.
“Sì and everything I see in reality is true.” My goal was to visit another India so that I could come out of poverty. This is an experience that awaits me with the world because I have it segnato and for the report with the gentlemen.

18 September 2024 (Change on 18 September 2024 | 15:23)


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