
Floods: Is there a need for mandatory natural hazard insurance?

Floods: Is there a need for mandatory natural hazard insurance?

Taxpayers regularly pay for uninsured damage. The pros and cons of compulsory insurance – and where the political fronts lie

Since the catastrophic Elbe floods in 2002, it has been discussed several times: compulsory insurance against natural hazards such as heavy rain, landslides and storm surges. At that time, there was a working group of the federal and state governments, which was then discontinued two years later without any results. After the heavy rain floods that poured into the Ahr Valley in July 2021, the debate came up again. There is now a third attempt – and again it looks as if the insurance requirement will get lost in the political minutiae.

Only every second house has natural hazard insurance

The problem is obvious. Too few houses are insured against natural hazards. Of the 8.5 million building insurance policies, only half include flood protection. Not even houses in particularly vulnerable locations are insured. The higher the risk, the more expensive the insurance. And the price is a deterrent to owners who could particularly urgently need the insurance.

Why so few are insured

Severe flooding does not occur very often, and those affected underestimate such risks. There are psychological reasons for this: the risk seems vague and distant – and therefore not urgent.

Added to this is the so-called Samaritan dilemma: if a flood disaster occurs, politicians cannot stand on the sidelines and watch. Especially not before elections. “Unbureaucratic help” is also promised – regardless of whether a building was insured. Many private individuals also help by donating.

This often gives homeowners the impression that insurance is not necessary. But if only a few people rely on it, insurance tends to become more expensive. This in turn discourages people from getting insurance at all.

Was that also the case? There are two camps in the debate: some want compulsory insurance, while others just want to create incentives for it.

What speaks for compulsory insurance

  • If it were mandatory, (almost) all homeowners would be insured. The state would not have to help out, and no one would lose their livelihood.
  • There would be no demarcation problems for which damages are paid. These occur again and again after floods and drive many homeowners to despair – recently this was also a major problem in the Ahr Valley.
  • It would remedy the injustice that your taxes are now being used to pay for many damages even by those who do not even own their own home.
  • As the debate is currently going, compulsory insurance would likely provide for different risk classes, similar to car insurance. If the house is in a vulnerable location, the police would be correspondingly more expensive – depending on the location and the security measures in place at the house. This has created an incentive to protect the house better in order to then have to pay lower premiums.
  • Or not to build at all: Every year, more than 1,000 new buildings are built in “highly vulnerable flood areas,” warns the insurance association GDV. In total, there are over 270,000.

What speaks against compulsory insurance

  • An important principle is personal freedom, and this of course includes freedom of contract: everyone has the right to freely enter into contracts – or not. There are already compulsory insurances, but they serve either to protect life and limb (health insurance) or to protect third parties from damage (car liability insurance). Insurance against damage caused by one's own actions is not so common.
  • It is unclear whether and how an obligation can be enforced.
  • Since insurance is compulsory, some homeowners may be overwhelmed by the costs. In the particularly at-risk zones, in hazard class 4, flooding occurs statistically once every ten years. According to the working group of the Justice Ministers' Conference, the insurance there (with a small deductible) could cost a high three-digit to four-digit annual premium for a typical single-family home.
  • Conversely, an obligation would also apply to insurers. The problem: For small insurance companies and especially for pure online providers, this could mean a loss-making business. If a company has only a few insured people, it is difficult to calculate a rare and expensive risk. In addition, in many (more at-risk) cases, a home visit would probably also be necessary – difficult for small online insurers.
  • Even owners with a very low risk would have to pay for insurance that they would probably never need. Estimates range from 50 to 100 euros per year. Conversely, these customers are particularly important in keeping the insurance affordable overall.

Compulsory insurance: the legal situation

The federal government also believes it is fundamentally possible to introduce compulsory insurance if the insured are classified according to their personal risk and the costs remain reasonable. In its decision on the introduction of nursing care insurance, the Federal Constitutional Court expressly stated that the legislature has leeway when it comes to providing basic services. The ruling could also be applied to natural hazard insurance.

However, the level of costs could still be an issue. The insurance association GDV estimates that, in view of climate change, the cost of insurance could double in just ten years. There are also voices, for example among consumer associations, who fear that insurance will be passed on to rent – and call for social cushioning of insurance premiums. But this could be regulated.

Reinsurance against natural hazards

Insurance companies also take out insurance: In the event of particularly large-scale damage, there are so-called reinsurers who protect normal insurers from being unable to fulfill their obligations.

This was one of the sticking points at the first attempt after the 2002 floods: is the state prepared to assume part of the risk with a guarantee for insurance companies? At the time, a 22 billion euro guarantee was mentioned, which put many politicians off. In view of the recent flood damage, however, this sum may no longer be as daunting as it seems: the federal government has made 15 billion euros available for the Ahr Valley alone.

Natural hazard insurance: the political camp

The federal states in particular are putting pressure on the government: in March 2023, the Bundesrat unanimously decided to “push forward the goal of compulsory natural hazard insurance.” The federal government should quickly propose a nationwide solution. This also has to do with the fact that the states are particularly financially burdened in the event of a flood. In June, it briefly looked as if the government could prevail at the federal-state conference.

Markus Söder and Olaf Scholz stand in rubber boots behind sandbags in front of the heavy rain floods.

Samaritan dilemma instead of natural hazard insurance: Markus Söder and Olaf Scholz stand in front of the heavy rain floods in rubber boots

© Sven Hoppe/dpa

The talks preceded the Pentecost floods in Germany. At the beginning of June 2024, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) himself felt compelled to make the classic Samaritan promise of politics together with Bavaria's Prime Minister Marcus Söder (CSU) in rubber boots and in front of sandbags in Reichertshofen: “We will do everything we can, including with the federal government's resources, to ensure that help can be provided more quickly here.” The time for an obligation, it seemed, was ripe. But the Federal Ministry of Justice is blocking it.

Postponed again – resubmission in October

Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) is a staunch opponent of compulsory insurance and is considering an obligation to offer insurance. This should simply give insurance companies the reason to offer natural hazard insurance to all homeowners. They can then accept it or not. The states did not want to accept that. In addition, the decision was made at the next federal-state conference on October 8th.

The CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag is somewhat in between: unlike the CDU state premiers, it is not one of the supporters of an obligation. However, its proposal in the Bundestag went further than the approach of the Ministry of Justice.

Imposed instead of merely offered

The Union faction wanted to have natural hazard insurance added to the normal building insurance for all insured persons from a certain date. Owners who did not want this could then opt out “within a certain period of time after being informed of the consequences”. This is the so-called opt-out model.

The current flood situation could give supporters of a requirement a boost. However, it is becoming increasingly unlikely that a solution will be found in this legislative period. After all, no one needs a debate about further obligations during the election campaign. But one thing is largely undisputed: the more homeowners have natural hazard insurance, the better.

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