
TV duel with Florian Silbereisen – Giovanni Zarrella takes a stand

TV duel with Florian Silbereisen – Giovanni Zarrella takes a stand

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Giovanni Zarrella talks about the eternal comparison with Florian Silbereisen. © Bildagentur Monn/Imago, Eventpress/Imago; Collage: RUHR24

Florian Silbereisen presents hit festivals on ARD, Giovanni Zarrella celebrates success on ZDF. Now the latter speaks about the constant comparison.

Cologne – Florian Silbereisen (43) and Giovanni Zarrella (46) dominate the pop world with their own shows. In 2021, the former “Bro'Sis” star started with the “Giovanni Zarrella Show” and has been celebrating regular successes on ZDF ever since. However, comparisons with Florian Silbereisen are inevitable. What does the German-Italian himself think of his pop colleagues?

TV duel with Florian Silbereisen – Giovanni Zarrella takes a stand

The next “Giovanni Zarrella Show” is scheduled for September 21st. Florian Silbereisen will celebrate the “Schlagerbooom” again on October 19th – and there is even speculation about an appearance by Helene Fischer (40). The presenters are repeatedly compared to each other, and there is often even talk of a rivalry, writes

In an interview with AZ, Giovanni Zarrella talks about his colleagues and finds kind words. “Comparisons are completely normal in the industry and are somehow part of it.” Florian is a great entertainer who I really appreciate. “We both have our own style and bring different qualities,” explains the 46-year-old.

But the focus should be on something completely different anyway. “In the end, it's all about the viewers enjoying it,” stresses Zarrella (read more TV news at RUHR24).

Pop star reveals: Does he prefer to perform with Giovanni Zarrella or Florian Silbereisen?

Florian Silbereisen and Giovanni Zarrella often welcome the same guests to their shows. One of them is Nino de Angelo (60). But he revealed in an interview with already decided which show he prefers to perform in: “For me personally, the live character of Zarrella is better.” The singer also believes in “a bit of competition.”

“Behind the TV scenes, there are of course still more artists who appear with Zarrella and there are those who appear more with Silbereisen,” he explains. In addition to Florian Silbereisen and Giovanni Zarrella, the pop queen herself will also be getting involved towards the end of the year. Helene Fischer has just come forward with a big surprise for her fans. Sources used: AZ;

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