
Drama on party boat on the Spree – twelve injured

Drama on party boat on the Spree – twelve injured

Big shock on a party boat in the evening: Suddenly the ceiling collapses There are many injured. The current situation.

A total of twelve people were injured when the roof of a party boat collapsed near Fischerinsel. The incident occurred on Tuesday evening at around 9:20 p.m. on the boat, which was anchored in the Spree, police reported.

Nine women aged between 22 and 30 and three men aged 24 and 31 were injured. A 22-year-old and a 27-year-old were taken to hospital for inpatient treatment. According to police, the other injured people were treated on site or as outpatients in clinics.

An eyewitness told the “Bild” newspaper: “It was a concert in a boat, but you could also sit up on the roof. Just as the second piece was over, part of the roof collapsed.” Another eyewitness told the “Berliner Morgenpost”: “Lots of people were sitting on the roof. You could actually see that the roof wasn't that stable.” A reporter on site also reported that people were sitting on the roof. The police have begun investigations into the suspicion of negligent bodily harm.

The fire brigade was deployed in large numbers on Fischerinsel – part of the Spree Island in Berlin's city centre. The water itself and the shore were searched using a multi-purpose boat. However, no other people were found in the water.

According to the fire department, many people had to be examined and then cared for by the emergency services. The injured were taken to nearby hospitals. A rescue helicopter was also deployed.

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