
4 Investigations: Public prosecutor exonerates dismissed driving instructor

4 Investigations: Public prosecutor exonerates dismissed driving instructor

4 Investigations uncovered why a high school driving instructor was fired and banned from school grounds. After two separate police investigations, an internal school investigation, and a lengthy review of the case by local prosecutors, no charges will be filed against Eddie Torres.

Torres was investigated for sexual abuse of a minor after he was asked to give a massage to a Bernalillo High School student who was suffering from leg cramps on Valentine's Day.

Insufficient evidence

Deputy Director Jessica Martinez with the 13thth The public prosecutor's office told KOB 4: “After examining all the evidence presented, there is not enough evidence to prove beyond a doubt all elements of criminal sexual contact with minors.”

Martinez told 4 Investigates that there was insufficient evidence to prove that Torres's massage to a female student was intended to achieve sexual gratification.

She also said the prosecutor moved the case review out of Sandoval County to avoid any potential conflict of interest because of Torres' extensive ties to the community.

The ban remains in force

Torres still faces consequences from Bernalillo Public Schools.

The district terminated the contract with Coach Al's Driving School, where Torres works as a driving instructor, and banned him from the entire Bernalillo Public School campus.

4 Investigates asked county commissioners whether the decision not to file criminal charges against Torres would result in a different course of action against Torres.

Matthew Montaño, superintendent of Bernalillo Public Schools, said, “The district's decision regarding Mr. Torres was always based on our commitment to protecting the civil rights of our students and staff. The district attorney's ability or willingness to build a criminal case does not affect our responsibility to act with a high level of integrity in protecting our students. The ban remains in effect.”


“That tells me that no matter what the Bernalillo police say, no matter what the state police say, no matter what the prosecutor says, I'm still a monster,” Torres told 4 Investigates after learning he was still banned from entering the BPS compound. “How unfair is that?”

Torres disputed some of the findings of the school district's investigation, saying he was never alone with the student and did not use the massage gun on her inappropriately.

“I have been in public service for over 30 years,” Torres said. “I have never hurt anyone in my life. I can honestly say that. If someone is in need, I am the first person to go without thinking. And that is probably my downfall.”

Torres is a former police officer, fire investigator and Bernalillo City Council member. He is better known as Coach Eddie and coaches youth softball.

Ryan Laughlin: “Did you learn anything from this experience?”

Eddie Torres: “Yes, I did. I learned a lot. Let me just say, that will never happen again. Ever.”

Ryan Laughlin: “What exactly?”

Eddie Torres: “Everything that's been done. You know, if I understand correctly – we have coaches. If a student ever needs help or has an injury, I'll say, 'Go see the coach.' That's it. No more. I can't. I can't do this. I can't risk any more false accusations coming out.”

4 Investigators attempted to reach the alleged victim as part of this investigation. Our calls were not returned. A spokeswoman for the 13th The public prosecutor's office said the victims had been informed of their decision.

“I was guilty until proven innocent,” Torres said. “I'm just glad this is finally over.”

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