
Spokesman rejects anti-Iranian statements by Western politicians

Spokesman rejects anti-Iranian statements by Western politicians

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry has condemned the statements made by the EU foreign policy chief and the foreign ministers of the USA, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia against Iran.

– Political News –

“It appears that the High Representative of the European Union, under pressure from certain political lobbies and continuing her stubborn insistence on wrong approaches without taking into account the realities, has committed another strategic mistake and repeated, in a biased manner, baseless accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Nasser Kanaani said on Tuesday.

He warned that representatives of the European Union and a very small number of other countries would insist on taking destructive positions or making hurtful statements.

“We recommend that the European Union and this handful of deceived countries reflect on the process of holding the 14th presidential election in Iran and get a realistic picture of the facts about Iran, including the deep ties between the people, the government and the system of the Islamic Republic. They should refrain from empty and senseless accusations and stop pursuing their failed anti-Iranian policies,” the spokesman said, according to the Foreign Ministry website.

Referring to the bankrupt policies of the United States, the European Union and some other countries imposing sanctions against Iran, Kanaani said: “We remind them once again that insisting on misguided and counterproductive approaches not only does not solve any problem, but is itself part of the problem. Continuing such a misguided course against Iran will not serve their interests either.”

He underlined the special and high priority given to human rights in Iran, adding: “We recommend that the European Union and some other self-proclaimed countries, including the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, focus on their own dismal human rights record rather than interfering in Iran's internal affairs. This record includes support for the criminal Israeli regime and the violent suppression of protests against the ongoing genocide in Gaza, but this is only a small part of it.”

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