
The Undertaker's biggest opponent praises former WWE CEO Vince McMahon amid lawsuit | WWE News

The Undertaker's biggest opponent praises former WWE CEO Vince McMahon amid lawsuit | WWE News

One of the biggest personalities in pro wrestling and one of the most famous rivals of Deadman Undertaker in the 90s, Mick Foley has come to support former WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. Vince has been surrounded by controversy and lawsuits brought against him and other WWE officials since last year. While attending the 'Comic Con“The former WWF (now WWE) Champion from Northern Ireland had some words of praise for his former WWE boss Vince during a question-and-answer session.

Mick Foley on Mr McMahon

One of the icons of extreme and uncompromising wrestling, Mick Foley was famous in the late 90s for his epic rivalries with the likes of The Undertaker, Kane and Triple H. He was a true superstar of the WWE's “Attitude Era” and paved the way for hostile and dangerous stunts performed in the ring. When he recently returned from the ring following Vince McMahon's Case of sexual assaultFoley was surprisingly full of praise for his 1990s boss and didn't want to jump to conclusions about the lawsuit against Mr. McMahon, Brock Lesnar and other WWE administrative staff. Notably, the lawsuit was filed by former WWE employee Janel Grant, who claims she was sexually assaulted and exploited by Mr. McMahon and other WWE employees.

Memories of the former boss
Foley praised McMahon, saying, “I really liked him. My relationship with him was never the same after I left WWE and went to TNA for three years. But to this day I still try to find an address to write to him or just thank him for giving me a chance. I think we're all a combination of good and bad qualities and you hope the good qualities outweigh the bad and it seems Vince got it wrong there for a while. But I was there when he did good things, I saw him do good things.” Obviously Mick still likes Mr. McMahon and has some good memories of the former CEO of the biggest wrestling promotion in the world.

Mr. McMahon | Official Trailer | Netflix

Foley’s opinion on the lawsuit
Regarding the lawsuit, Foley said, “I'm not going to pass judgment until I see the (documentary series), but I think one fortunate thing is that whatever he did or didn't do, I don't think many of us are going to let that mess up our memories. He was instrumental in creating some of those memories, so I'm going to pay him respects until I know more about what may have happened.” What do you think of the proceedings brought against Mr. McMahon? Post your comments below.

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