
PR Report Camp 2024: This is the program

PR Report Camp 2024: This is the program

The PR Report Camp is back again this year. The most important event for young communication professionals and young professionals will take place on November 13th and 14th at Kosmos in Berlin and digitally.

As usual, the camp is a hybrid event. And as usual, the program on both days is top-class. Register now and be there in November!

13. November: Ask me everything (completely digital and free for everyone)
Everything about careers and entry. With top professionals in the industry:

Discounter and organic retailer number 1 – how do you communicate that? with Franziska Weber | Aldi Süd

Isn't that enough? Career boosters put to the test with Eva Weghmann | fischerAppelt

Entry and professional development at Julius Baer with Larissa Alghisi | Julius Bear

International PR at Golin – how we do the best work of our lives with Anja Guckenberger | Golin Germany

Ask me anything with Carsten Tilger | Henkel

What makes Netflix the love brand that has gone mainstream the longest with Robert Ardelt | Netflix

Ask me anything with Dagmar Kaiser | Deutsche Bahn

14 November: The Young Talents Festival (in Berlin, free for students/volunteers/trainees)
Sessions and workshops show how modern PR work works. Two prominent panels will be hosting intensive discussions. Young professionals, career starters and students will meet potential employers from leading companies and agencies at Germany's largest PR career forum. And we will present a selection of the best cases of the year. The program in Berlin includes:

forum among others with Brunswick, Edelman, Fink & Fuchs, fischerAppelt, Golin, GPRA, Henkel, komm.passion, Script, Segmenta, Weber Shandwick, Wilde & Partner

AI Lab with Rlvnt on the mega topic of artificial intelligence

#30u30-Finale Who will be Young Professional of the Year?

Career Talks What does it take for a successful career in PR and communications? With:

Communication with impact: How Pfizer communicates science and health issues with Carolin Crockett | Pfizer Germany

Acceptance communication: openness and transparency as the key to business success with Alexander Bilgeri | BMW Group

Trust wins – how Allianz is reorienting communication with Florian Amberg | Allianz

Career Talk with Andreas Bartels | Deutsche Lufthansa

Press, Insta or with AI as co-pilot? Paths to the top jobs in communication with Björn Korschinowski & Patricia Uhlig | DekaBank

Career Talk with Stefanie Rupp-Menedetter | ProSiebenSat.1

Career Talk with Jobst-Hinrich Wiskow | KfW

Workshops This is how modern PR work works. With:

Crisis management and CEO positioning: two must-haves in the toolbox of communications professionals with Margarita Thiel | Aareal Bank

From Dax, Bilanz-PK & Co: Know-how for working with business journalists with Patrick Kalbhenn | Deutsche Börse

You either have an attitude or you don't: Communicating socio-political responsibility credibly and making a difference using the example of Fritz-Kola with Sandy-Jil Remus & Laura Blankenstein | Segmenta

Science, not fiction – tips for effective communication of health and science topics with Carolin Crockett & Sarah Klein | Pfizer Germany

Content is king, community is queen! with Monique filling | Deutsche Bank

Navigating Comm-Tech: Success factors for the implementation of tech-based projects with Julian Friedemann & Tchoko Souga | Klenk & Hoursch

Top cases of the year A selection of the best works and projects (details to follow)

Panel 1: Better than Chat GPT? What PR professionals need to be able to do in the AI ​​age
Details to follow

Panel 2: Democracy in danger? What responsibility do communication professionals have today
Details to follow

The PR Report Camp 2024 is kindly supported by Adidas, Deutsche Post DHL, EnBW and Siemens.

Other partners this year are: Aareal Bank, Aldi Süd, Allianz, BMW, Brunswick, Deka Bank, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Börse, DPRG, Edelman, fischerAppelt, Golin, GPRA, Henkel, Julius Bär, KfW, Klenk & Hoursch, Lufthansa, Netflix, Pfizer Deutschland, ProSiebenSat.1, Rewe, Rlvnt, Script, Segmenta, Tui, Weber Shandwick, Wilde & Partner and more.

Register now and be there in November!

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