
Moderate weather expected across Jordan until Saturday | News from Jordan

Moderate weather expected across Jordan until Saturday | News from Jordan

Ammon News – According to a report by the Meteorological Agency, Jordan will experience moderate weather conditions with regionally varying temperatures until Saturday.

On Wednesday, temperatures will be mild in the mountainous regions, moderate in the rest of the country, and relatively hot in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba. The north and center of the Kingdom will be characterized by low clouds, accompanied by moderately strong northwesterly winds, which will occasionally intensify.

The report noted that the weather will remain similar on Thursday, with mild conditions over the plateaus and moderate temperatures in other areas. It will continue to be relatively hot in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba. Low clouds will continue to prevail in the northern and central regions, and northwesterly winds will remain moderate and sometimes increase in strength.

On Friday, temperatures are expected to rise slightly, but remain within the seasonal average. Most parts of the country will experience moderate weather, while the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba will experience relatively hot conditions. Clouds will appear at low levels and northwesterly winds will remain moderate, occasionally becoming stronger.

A slight drop in temperature is expected by Saturday, bringing moderate weather in most regions. In the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba it will still be relatively hot, with clouds visible at various altitudes. The northwest wind will continue to be moderate and will intensify in some areas.

The report included detailed forecasts for different regions. In East Amman, temperatures are expected to range between 28°C during the day and 17°C at night, while in West Amman it will be slightly cooler at 26°C to 15°C. In the northern highlands, temperatures are expected to range between 24°C and 13°C, while in the Sharah highlands, temperatures are expected to range between 25°C and 12°C. In the Dead Sea area, temperatures will range between 37°C and 23°C, and in Aqaba, highs of 38°C during the day and lows of 24°C at night are expected. Petra

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