
Reality participants sue MrBeast –

Reality participants sue MrBeast –

Minimum wages were also not paid, the lawsuit states.

Five unnamed participants of the Amazon show «Beast Games» I filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court on Monday. The class action lawsuit alleges “chronic abuse,” unpaid overtime, and sexual harassment. There were around 1,000 actors on set for the show, and they could win a cash prize of five million dollars.

The lawsuit accuses Amazon, production company Mr. Beast and independent production company Off One's Base LLC of, among other things, failing to pay minimum wage and overtime, failing to prevent sexual harassment, creating conditions that subjected participants to “emotional distress,” failing to provide participants with continuous breaks or meals, and subjecting participants to “hazardous circumstances and conditions as a condition of their employment.”

“Although the contestants knew they were entering into a potentially long and challenging competition when they signed their contracts at the start of production, they claim they got much more than they bargained for,” attorneys for the anonymous Beast Games contestants said in a statement about the lawsuit obtained by Variety. “Several contestants required hospitalization, while others reported physical and psychological ailments resulting from chronic abuse, humiliation and, in the case of the female contestants, hostile working conditions.”

“As extreme as the allegations against the defendants here are, the law could not be clearer,” said Robert Pafundi of the Pafundi Law Firm, lead counsel for the plaintiffs. “The contestants entered into contracts and were promised compensation for their services. Because of their expectation of compensation and the fact that they are constantly under the control and supervision of the production staff, they are employees under California law. As such, they were entitled to certain protections that were denied to them. And when you add to that the extreme neglect, degradation, harassment and inhumane conditions, this is quite simply a massive breach of duty for which the defendants must and will now be held accountable.”

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