
How French police found Dominique Pelicot, who ‘drugged his wife so 50 men could rape her’ – The Week

How French police found Dominique Pelicot, who ‘drugged his wife so 50 men could rape her’ – The Week

Between 2011 and 2020, Gisele Pelicot suffered unimaginable horror: she was systematically drugged and sexually abused by numerous men, all under the direction of her ex-husband Dominique Pelicot. It was a shocking and devastating case of persistent exploitation and abuse.

Testifying on Tuesday, 71-year-old Dominique said: “I am a rapist, like everyone else in this room.”

In addition to Dominique, 50 other men were accused of raping Gisele. Dominique is said to have encouraged these men, most of whom he met online, to rape his ex-wife.

“I am guilty for what I did. I tell that to my wife, my children and my grandchildren. I regret what I did and ask for forgiveness, even if it is unforgivable. She does not deserve this,” said Dominique.

Dominique had given Gisele anti-anxiety medication, which is why she was unconscious when he and other men raped her. Dominique also admitted that these men knew she was unconscious.

The lengthy mass trial began on September 2. Due to Dominique's health problems, the proceedings were interrupted for a few days.

How it all came to light

The abuse came to light by chance when he was caught by a police officer filming women up their skirts in a local supermarket.

While investigating his background, police accessed his phone and computer and discovered photos and videos of the abuse.

In 2020, a French police officer told Gisele that her husband had been secretly drugging her for ten years. Additionally, Gisele began to suspect that something was wrong after suffering from strange memory lapses for years.

When she heard the news, she was devastated because Dominique had always been a loving husband to her.

Dominique filmed the cruel acts and saved them on his computer. The police were able to secure detailed recordings of the abuse. Most of the alleged attacks took place in the couple's house in Mazan, southern France.

“It is difficult for me to listen to Mr Pelicot because in 50 years I could never have imagined for a second that he could rape. It is difficult for me to hear this today… the violence and the barbarism… I had complete confidence in this man,” Gisele explained in court.

They both had three children together.

Dominique's childhood trauma

In his childhood account, Dominique told the court that he had been sexually abused at a young age. At the age of nine, he was raped by a nurse while he was in hospital for a head injury.

Dominique described his parents as constantly subjecting him to violent sex. At the age of 14, he was forced to witness and participate in a gang rape of a woman.

His testimony will be crucial for the 50 other men, aged between 26 and 74, who are on trial. Although some of the men admitted he told them he would drug his wife, others claimed they thought it was part of a swinging couple's fantasy.

There were large protests in France demanding an end to the rapes and supporting Gisele.

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