
Review of the 2020 presidential election

Review of the 2020 presidential election

The results of the controversial 2020 US presidential election could shed light on voter engagement in the 2024 elections.

Polls have their limitations and confidence in their results has been shaken. Swing states — particularly Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin — remain the focus of both campaigns. More than half of U.S. states have passed laws restricting early and mail-in voting after former President Donald Trump lied about the 2020 election results before and after the violent events of January 6, 2021.

Ahead of the November general election, which has produced a series of unexpected events, we can learn from the results of the 2020 election, a contest that set voting records and upended norms. More than 158 million Americans cast their votes in the 2020 election, continuing a trend of higher voter turnout.

The following maps are the result of a USA TODAY analysis following the November 2020 election, examining county-level results, historical results by state, shifts in voting behavior since the 2016 election, and record-high voter turnout in 2024.

How the counties voted | County lead | Voter turnout | How the votes shifted | Party preference by state

In the 2020 election, most counties were split between Biden and Trump. Instead of being strictly red or blue, a shade of purple represents the vote. Less than 600 of about 3,000 counties, not including Alaska, voted for either candidate by over 80%.

Tap each country or hover over it to explore the map.

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A statewide results map tells only part of the story when some counties have far more residents than others. In the map below, counties are sized according to the number of votes separating the candidates in each county, and colored red or blue depending on which candidate won the county. Trump won by a small number of votes in many places, while Biden won by much larger margins in fewer counties.

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Over 159 million votes were cast in the 2020 general election, with Biden receiving over 81 million votes—the most votes ever received by a presidential candidate. Turnout was higher in most counties than in 2016, including many in the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

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Trump won in 2016 thanks to an increasing share of the Republican vote in many counties, especially in the Midwest. In 2020, many counties saw an increase in the Republican vote share, but many other counties trended back toward the Democrats, especially in key swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

Electoral hurdles: New obstacles at the ballot box: An overview of the states where new laws make voting more difficult

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