
Philipp Good joins Helvetica's Board of Directors and expands its expertise in the field of sustainable real estate investments Page 1

Philipp Good joins Helvetica's Board of Directors and expands its expertise in the field of sustainable real estate investments Page 1

Zurich, September 17, 2024 – Helvetica is pleased to announce the election of Philipp Good to the Board of Directors. Philipp Good has extensive expertise in asset management and sustainability.

The General Meeting has elected Philipp Good (48) as a member of the Board of Directors of Helvetica Property Group AG and the fund management company Helvetica Property Investors AG. He will join the Board of Directors of the group and the fund management company, which consists of Peter E. Bodmer (President), Dr. Hans Ueli Keller (Vice President), Dr. Franziska Blindow-Prettl, Theodor Härtsch and Herbert Kahlich. Herbert Kahlich will step down in spring 2025 after ten years on the Board of Directors of Helvetica and will not stand for re-election for reasons of age.

Philipp Good has many years of experience in asset, portfolio and product management, in the management of pension fund investments and in investment products specializing in sustainability. With his extensive expertise in the development and implementation of sustainable investment strategies that take ecological, social and economic criteria into account, he is a valuable addition to the Helvetica Board of Directors. Philipp Good has held senior positions in asset management for 20 years and has a Master's degree in Corporate Finance from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

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