
This is supposed to happen this year

This is supposed to happen this year

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Nostradamus also makes predictions for the year 2024. He sees a conflict involving China and a new Pope in Rome.

Kassel – One of the most famous prophets in world history also saw a lot in the crystal ball for the year 2024: Nostradamus. In 1555, the Frenchman published his text “Les Propheties” (“The Prophecies”), in which he manifested his clairvoyance about the coming centuries. A few times he hit the bull's eye, for example with the rise of Hitler or September 11, 2001. But much more often he was wrong, such as with the failure of the end of the world in 1999. Well, you can't always be right, can you? That even happened to the Mayan calendar in 2012. As every year, Nostradamus' words are by no means to be taken as mere coin and offer a lot of scope for interpretation.

Nostradamus predicts a difficult year: A war with China is coming

The prospects for 2024 of the prophet known to the commoner as Michel de Nostredame (1503 – 1566) are quickly becoming gloomy and turbulent. Humanitarian disasters and global unrest are to be expected, among other things. Will everything be as usual? After all, the world already has two crisis areas: Ukraine, where the Russian war of aggression is raging, and Israel, where the conflict between Israel and Hamas has escalated.

Nostradamus predicts a war involving China. Specifically, he writes of “fighting and naval battles”. A “red enemy” will “spread fear across the great ocean”. So, after years of preliminary skirmishes, is a military conflict between China and Taiwan looming?

Nostradamus predicts a difficult year in 2024. © IMAGO/Gemini

Nostradamus also has a complaint about Russia: Vladimir Putin is threatened with a “dance with fate”. However, he does not say whether this will finally lead to an end to the war in Ukraine. A lot is also happening in Europe: according to the prophet, Western Europe will have a new leader who comes from Armenian backgrounds.

Nostradamus prophecies for 2024: Charles will lose the crown to Harry

Another prophecy probably refers to the royal family of Great Britain. The “King of the Isles” will be “driven out by force,” writes the prophet. Charles III has not been on the throne for very long. Could this prophecy possibly mean the end of the monarchy in the United Kingdom? Or how else could Charles be “driven out”? But there will be a successor, as Nostradamus knows. One who “will have no sign of the king.” That can really only mean one thing: ex-Prince Harry, who has left his royal duties behind, will become king after all, and not heir to the throne William.

If people believe Nostradamus, humanity will not be able to turn the climate around in 2024. “The dry earth will become even drier,” he writes, and there will also be “major floods.” That sounds like a lot of natural disasters. He also sees a “very large famine caused by waves of plague” – are we facing another pandemic like Corona?

Nostradamus predicts for 2024: Pope dies and there will be enormous AI advances

Something is also happening in the Vatican, as Nostradamus tells us: “Through the death of a very old pope / A Roman of good age will be elected / Of him it will be said that he weakens his office / But he will sit for a long time and in vicious activity,” he says in his verses. Pope Francis is now 87 years old. He recently had to cancel conferences because of pneumonia. According to Nostradamus, the Argentinian will not survive until 2024 and will vacate the Holy See for a “Roman”. Will an Italian cardinal also be his successor? According to Nostradamus's prediction from last year, however, Francis should have resigned in 2023…

But Nostradamus is not just predicting death and suffering for 2024. According to the prophet, there will be enormous progress in organ transplantation. AI will also help us achieve new technological wonders. After all.

But one cannot really hold on to his words. Historian and Nostradamus expert Jörg Dendl wrote about Mirror-Interview twenty years ago: “The verses are so unclear that you can interpret a lot of things into them, similar to horoscopes.” (cgsc)

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