
Online reports – Politics – Basel-Stadt Police: Stephanie Eymann dethrones the bosses

Online reports – Politics – Basel-Stadt Police: Stephanie Eymann dethrones the bosses

© Photo by Fabian Schwarzenbach,

“I want my police to get back on their feet”: Stephanie Eymann.

A clean slate at the management level, an external reporting office and a former air force chief as task force leader: nothing is left unturned at the Basel cantonal police.

From Fabian Schwarzenbach

Stephanie Eymann has taken a stand after the disastrous investigation report on the Basel cantonal police. A month ago, the team led by constitutional law professor Markus Schefer had revealed blatant misconduct – including racism, sexism and a lack of appreciation. “We are in a crisis,” said the head of the Justice and Security Department (JSD) on Thursday. But she sees this as an opportunity: “My police should get back on their feet.” She seems decisive and presents herself as a woman of action.

In fact, Eymann has launched several measures. For example, employees who are affected by aggressive or discriminatory behavior from others can now contact the independent Bullying and Harassment Center in Zurich. The commitment is provisionally set to last for one year. After that, a decision will be made as to whether “this is a route that people will use.” Basel's top police officer will consult Professor Schefer again, weigh up internal reports and, in serious cases, file a criminal complaint.

Eymann with a hard hand

The government councilor is now reacting with a tougher hand and is taking action against the top management of the cantonal police. Matthias Stähli is the only member of the police management who understands the consequences of Eymann. He continues to head the logistics department and is also allowed to lead a large part of the operations department on an interim basis.

The previous boss, Simona Dematté, will now only be in charge of the cantonal crisis organization. Alexandra Schilling's duties will also be restricted. The former Secretary General of the Finance Department will be stripped of all police duties. She will now concentrate only on civil matters.

The head of traffic, Bernhard Frey Jäggi, is leaving the police leadership. The heads of the security police and special formations departments, Urs Wicki and Peter Kötter, will continue to push for the merger of the intervention forces until the end of the year – after that, someone else will take over. Eymann continued to waive the work of Commander Martin Roth.

In the foreseeable future, an interim commander is to take over. “Discussions have already taken place,” confirmed Eymann. The appointment could be imminent. The task of this person will be to bring some calm and stability back to the police force and at the same time restructure the organization.

An Air Force Chief as Cleaner

The restructuring is being overseen by a task force headed by Aldo Schellenberg. The former head of the Swiss Army's air force will be responsible for issues such as “leadership/culture”, “personnel management” and “reorganisation”. He will be supported by representatives of the corps, officers, the police officers' association and partners from the cantonal administration.

At the same time, Eymann is having a review carried out to determine whether a deputy commander is needed again, whether all members of the management team have completed police training or whether certain areas need to be “civilized” again. It is also being examined whether the cantonal police still need their own media office, their own human resources department or separate personnel development.

“It could easily take a year”

For the head of the JSD, the search for a permanent commander is a priority. The person who takes over temporarily will not be part of the final solution. This approach is reminiscent of the professional health service around 25 years ago, when a management consultant had to make tough decisions and his successors were able to take over a well-positioned organization.

Eymann is taking his time: “It could take a good year, including any notice period.” They are also explicitly considering applications from people with a pure police career and not just those from university graduates.

Before the personnel decision is made, an operational psychologist will be called “to the front”. And in general, Eymann will have to put pressure on the situation to improve employment conditions: “It is a priority to make progress here.” The labor market allowance, a first temporary measure, is to be replaced.

Legal and financial questions remain

One thing is clear: the restructuring of the cantonal police will not be cheap. The members of the police leadership have not all been officially released from their duties and issued with the relevant orders. Eymann's predecessor Baschi Dürr stumbled upon a similar situation in the affair involving the paramedic and former Grand Councillor Lorenz Nägelin.

But Eymann reacts confidently: “We have a huge need for action.” The government councilor uses the findings from the Schefer report as the basis for her “immediate measures”. She evades questions about the legal basis. But she admits that the members of the police leadership had to be “pushed” towards certain solutions. Legal options are still being examined. The police officers who have been fired or demoted are also likely to be superior to such options.

Criticism of “Hare Hunt”

Eymann examines the entire police force, starting at the top of the management. She makes it clear that the officer level and the lower ranks will also be checked. The employees are given the opportunity to tell the head of the force their point of view in confidential emails.

Not all employees agree with the approach, some describe this intern as a “denunciation” or a “rabbit hunt”. But Eymann says that positive things are also being reported and suggestions for improvement are being made: “The employees are motivated, they want to change something.”

Eymann herself also wants this. Already on Thursday she announced that further measures and decisions would soon be communicated.

July 18, 2024

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