
Girl pleads for her life after man sexually assaults her in Fort Myers Park

Girl pleads for her life after man sexually assaults her in Fort Myers Park

*This article contains graphic details. The reader should study them carefully.*

Fox 4 has obtained new court documents regarding the alleged sexual abuse of a young girl on her way to her school bus stop in a Tice Park.

On Sept. 12, officials said, the 15-year-old girl was walking to her bus stop in Schandler Park around 5:45 a.m.

According to the documents, she saw Raymond De Jesus, later identified as the suspect, riding his bicycle in her direction. The girl said this caused her to “change her path slightly.”


The report states that the next time the girl saw De Jesus, he was next to her. De Jesus pulled out a knife, put it to her head and dragged her by her hair toward the playground, officials say.

As he pulled her, the victim told officers that De Jesus said, “You're going to die.”

Officials say the victim was sexually assaulted at knifepoint on the playground but was able to call her grandmother for help. The grandmother told investigators she heard her granddaughter say, “Please don't hurt me, I didn't do anything to you.”

However, the call was disconnected. The grandmother said she tried to call back several times, but no one answered.

Deputies said when De Jesus noticed the victim had her phone, he pushed her away.

Documents show that after the victim called, the grandmother went to the park. The grandmother said she found her hysterical.

The grandmother explained to officers that she usually takes the victim to the bus stop, but that the girl did not wake her up that day.

She said this was probably because the young girl knew she worked long hours and might feel sorry for her.

The Lee County Sheriff's Office arrived at the park, quickly cordoned off the area and began searching for DeJesus, who they later identified through “analytical research and previous interactions with police unrelated to this case.”

According to the report, the victim said she saw De Jesus several times at the park. She told officers that De Jesus asked her for her number several months ago and she declined.

Detectives took an impression of the bicycle tracks near the area to get an idea of ​​the tread depth.

Court documents say they found De Jesus at his home about a half-mile from the park. There were several other people in the house who told officers De Jesus was there. The Tactical Narcotics Team found him hiding in the attic and eventually arrested him.

During a search, they found a knife and a bicycle – both of which matched the victim's description. Investigators say they also identified De Jesus from a photo lineup.

While searching the park for more evidence, they downloaded data from a phone at the crime scene that was later identified as De Jesus' phone, according to court documents.

According to the report, the victim’s cell phone number was stored under the name “Mexican girl.”

Investigators began questioning De Jesus, who denied owning a cell phone but later said he owned two, documents show.

He later confirmed that the phone at the crime scene was his and changed his statement, according to the report. De Jesus said it was missing and he didn't notice it until he got home in the morning, but said it was stolen.

When asked what De Jesus was doing that day, the report states the suspect was at an unknown friend's house until 4 a.m. He told officers he went to meet his drug dealer at the park, where he smoked meth. The report states De Jesus left the park at 6 a.m. when parents and children arrived there.

Investigators confronted De Jesus with the sexual assault allegations, but he denied them. When asked for the number of the “Mexican girl” in his phone, he refused to say who it was, the documents say.

After that, according to the report, De Jesus no longer cooperated, stood up and said he was finished talking.

The LCSO arrested him for kidnapping and sexual abuse of a minor.

De Jesus is currently being held without bail. His next court date is scheduled for October 14.

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