
The crash is coming – “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author Kiyosaki warns and reveals how he protects his wealth

The crash is coming – “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author Kiyosaki warns and reveals how he protects his wealth

It is one of the most famous books in the world: star investor Robert Kiyosaki has inspired millions of people with “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. But for some time now he has been warning of a crash. Why it is coming now and how he is protecting his wealth.

Admittedly, Robert Kiyosaki knows how to get attention. According to the motto: any press is good press. And so he has been warning about the crash for years, especially on his X-Account. But now the successful author has issued a new, concrete warning:

Robert Kiyosaki warns of this crash

“Do you realize that the world economy is based on debt? A bond is a debt, and the whole world is floating on it, and this collapse signals deeper economic problems. While market crashes are visible, banking crashes are hidden and much more dangerous,” he writes on X .

Kiyosaki is not the only expert warning about the escalating debt and its dangers. More and more experts are taking the same line and fearing that the entire financial market and ultimately the stock markets could collapse under the burden of debt. But nobody knows when that will happen.

Author Robert Kiyosaki also adds in another tweet: “Panics in the capital markets are visible. This means that everyone knows when the stock, bond or real estate markets will collapse.” Panics in banks are invisible, meaning most people have no idea when their bank is going bankrupt.

And it is precisely against such a scenario that the multimillionaire protects himself with three specific assets:

Robert Kiyosaki protects his wealth with gold, silver and Bitcoin

Robert Kiyosaki's answer to his fears of a crash has been clear for some time: “That's one of the reasons why I invest in physical assets like gold, silver and Bitcoin. I am a firm believer in gold and silver, real money, not counterfeit money.” By real money, Robert Kiyosaki means Bitcoin, and by counterfeit money, he means the inflated US dollar.

It should also be mentioned that these three assets probably won't cause any damage in a portfolio. But you should definitely not just invest in gold, silver and Bitcoin. These three assets may represent “hard money” and may not have such high inflation. But they don't generate cash flow, pay no interest or dividends and, at least in this respect, fall behind stocks. For this reason, investors should always invest in stocks and ETFs and simply mix in gold, silver and Bitcoin.

This is how you follow the advice of the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author and still have a powerful portfolio.

And read also: Now it's getting tight: MSCI World ETF investors have 3 days left

or: Bitcoin and Ethereum: Only 8 days left

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