
Investigations after FPÖ attack on rainbow flag – National Council election

Investigations after FPÖ attack on rainbow flag – National Council election

The attack on a rainbow flag now has consequences.
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An election campaign video by FPÖ member of parliament from Upper Austria, Michael Gruber, has now legal consequences.

In the video, Gruber rants about the LGBTIQ+ community and throws a rainbow flag into a garbage container. As a result, several members of the National Council reported him to the Linz public prosecutor's office.

Public prosecutor investigates FPÖ attack on rainbow flag on suspicion of incitement

A spokesman for the public prosecutor's office confirmed to the APA that an investigation is now underway on suspicion of incitement. In his preferential vote campaign, Gruber is railing against “left-wing degenerate politics”, “early sexualization of our children” and “rainbow here, rainbow there” under the title “Cleaning up for Austria”. This is “for the trash can”, into which Gruber finally throws a rainbow flag in the video posted ten days ago. He received heavy criticism for this from the SPÖ, NEOS and the Greens, and several MPs then submitted statements of facts to the public prosecutor's office.

All news about the National Council elections

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